The History of Soccer Shin Guards and the Regulations ...

19 Aug.,2024


The History of Soccer Shin Guards and the Regulations ...

The History of Soccer Shin Guards and the Regulations Behind them.

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Legend Soccer



4 min read


Sep 12,


In the history of sport, safety has not always been the highest of priorities. From Roman gladiators to the likes of Muhammad Ali, and Mike Tyson, an element of pain has always been at the forefront of celebrated competition. But with an evolving society has come an evolving emphasis on the safety of athletes. As American football decision makers continue to search for rule changes that can increase athletic longevity and decrease life-long health implications, other sports have also worked to implement safety measures for athletes: soccer is no exception.

These days, goalkeepers are protected like quarterbacks, video replays give referees the power to book players minutes after an initial foul, and shin guards are a prerequisite to stepping on the pitch at any competitive level. Here at Legend Soccer Company, we have worked diligently to increase comfortability and durability, in the one piece of protective equipment mandated by FIFA regulations. But, the history of the shin guard began long before any of us were born&#;

The Story of the Shin Guard:

Sport has long resembled a simulation of war-time; Sending our greatest athletes to go to battle, as others watch in admiration. So it is not surprising that soccer&#;s greatest piece of armor was designed after the real thing. The earliest shin guard was made to resemble the grieve, a piece of armor used by Greek and Roman warriors designed for the sole purpose of leg protection during battles. The earliest known records of shin guards (again, utilized during times of war), can be traced all the way back to 700 B.C. The shield has stood the test of time.

The Leg-endary History Of Football Shin Pads


Football, the world's most popular team sport, has evolved significantly over the years. Preparation, organisation, gameplay and equipment have become increasingly sophisticated and subject to evidence-based implementation and evaluation. The humble shin pad is a prime example of the application of science and technology into an essential, yet easily overlooked, piece of football equipment. People have been getting kicked on the shins since mankind invested shoes! Kicking shins has even been perfected into a sport - Shin-kicking! Large bruises don't feel good and definitely do not make you play better!

The Shin

The shin (properly referred to as the tibia) is the larger of the 2 bones making up the lower leg. Getting kicked on the shin is painful and extreme forces are bone-breaking. The skin over the shin offers scant impact protection and underlying it is a thin layer of tissue covering the tibia - the periosteum. The periosteum is very richly supplied with pain sensors. As there's little other tissue to take the impact of a direct REALLY hurts. Heavy impacts can cause bruising of the skin AND bone as blood vessels rupture under direct impact. Sometimes cuts (lacerations) can occur varying in severity from superficial abrasions to deep tears of the skin resulting in the need for medical attention. Direct blows to the shin can cause a it to break. Chang et al noted a reduction in tibia shaft fractures over the study period - compared to data pre-. Their theory was FIFA regulations making shin pad wear compulsory had contributed significantly. Hence, players and those working with them should be aware that whilst fracture risk remains low, there is evidence injury and fracture rates reduce with shin pad use.

The First Ever Football Shin Pads

The history of football shin pads appears to date to the late 19th century. A likely contender is Sam Weller Widdowson. Playing professional football for Notts County and Nottingham Forest and first-class cricket, the Nottinghamshire player is said to have cut down a pair of cricket pads to protect him from injury. Players gradually refined from this beginning with makeshift additions such as leather straps or padded materials, to protect their shins from aggressive tackles. These early shin pads offered moderate protection but were awkward to wear..

The s

Early Football Shin Pads c.19th

Contact us to discuss your requirements of custom football shin guards. Our experienced sales team can help you identify the options that best suit your needs.

In the early s, a breakthrough occurred with the introduction of padding made from natural materials like cotton and foam. These pads were more comfortable and provided better shock absorption, significantly improving protection for players.

Shin Pads early c.20th made from canvas & leather

Football Accessories Catalogue C. Acton & Co.

Over the next few decades, shin pads continued to evolve, with manufacturers incorporating new materials and designs to improve protection, comfort and durability. In the mid-20th century, the introduction of fibreglass and plastic revolutionised the shin pad industry. These materials were lightweight yet durable and offered superior protection compared to earlier designs.

The s

In the s, foam and gel cushioning combined with tough outer materials to give a design more akin to modern shin pads. These materials moulded more to the shape of the shin, providing a snugger fit. The lighter weight nature of these shin pads coupled with better design heralded greater acceptance by players of shin protection and thus reduced injuries.

"Designed by a leading physiotherapist", Lispro

Plastic Fantastic!

In the s and s, manufacturers began to focus on developing shin pads with more anatomical design, improving comfort and protection. This saw composite constructions with rigid plastics combined with softer materials against the skin. Velcro as a means of keeping shin pads in place was now increasingly being used. These designs ensured a better fit and improved protection, catering to the demands of player's wanting the latest technology in their equipment. This era ushered in 'safety & style' in football with shin pads being a desirable accessory for the first time. With manufacturers able to produce articles in different colours and shapes, the ability to display flair and individuality became a marketing point. This era also saw the rise of the celebrity player shin pad endorsement! For those around at the time this was an unforgettable advert.

Bryan Robson Gary Lineker Ian Rush - Shin Pad Celebrity Endorsers / Enforcers

Higher-performance Materials

After this era, higher performance materials were increasingly seen including EVA, Polypropylene and carbon fiber-based composites. Carbon fiber-reinforced composites with their aerospace heritage, had (and still have) huge appeal as they are extremely light with exceptional strength in impacts. However, repeated impacts can cause failure as can bending due to their lack of elasticity. These more modern materials offered superior strength and impact resistance while maintaining a lightweight profiles.

Smart-Materials Era

In the modern area, the drive for increased comfort and lightweight materials has given rise to sophisticated 'smart-materials' such as viscoelastic foams like Poron XRD. U.S.-based manufacturer G-Form use a reactive / auxetic foam to make their football shin pads. The latest material innovation is seen in (yes, we know there's some bias here!) Smart Armor's Pro. S1 Elite Shin Pad. RHEON&#;&#;, a non-Newtonian polymer, was the invention of Dr. Dan Plant who subsequently set up London-based Rheon Labs. The Smart Armor collaboration with Rheon Labs brings us to the modern day. Astounding smart-material technology; shaped into sophisticated biomimetic geometries and tested with professional athletes. Players have described this as 'The World's Best Shin Pad'. The current leader in terms of 'safety & style in football'? Probably!

Smart Armor Shin Pads

Shin Pad Types

Shin pads come in a variety of designs and styles to cater to the diverse preferences and needs of players. Some of the most common types of shin pads include:

  • Slip-in shin guards: Lightweight, minimalistic pads that easily slide into the player's socks or a pocketed sleeve. Some players use disposable tapes such as sock tape or foam underwrap to secure these. These are favoured for their comfort and ease of use.
  • Ankle shin guards: These shin pads extend to cover the ankle bones (medial and lateral malleoli), providing comprehensive protection to both the shin and the vulnerable ankle areas.
  • Sleeve-style shin guards: These are incorporated into a tubular fabric sleeve ensuring a secure fit and ease of use. Often seen combined to a flexible shin pad, they offer good protection and convenience. Some players find sleeves may not be correctly sized for their anatomy.
  • Fuller-length shin guards: Covering a larger portion of the leg, these shin pads offer more extensive protection for the shin. They are preferred by players seeking maximum coverage and protection.

The Impact of Shin Pads on Football

Shin pads have had a significant impact on football. By offering protection to players from discomfort, shin pads have allowed players to tackle more confidently and aggressively and pursue the ball relentlessly. This has led to a more exciting and dynamic game for both players and spectators.

In addition, shin pads have helped to reduce the risk of contact injuries. They help to prevent fractures, lacerations and heavy bruising that can sideline players for long periods. This has helped to make football a safer and more enjoyable sport for players of all ages and skill levels.


The evolution of soccer shin pads is a testament to ingenuity, technology and the sport's commitment to player safety. Shin pads have played a vital role in reducing the risk of injuries and increasing player confidence on the field. As the game continues to evolve, so too will shin pads, ensuring that players are always protected with the latest and greatest technology available.

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