Nike J Soccer Shin Guards

08 Jul.,2024


Nike J Soccer Shin Guards

mistyc - Jun 27,

If you want to learn more, please visit our website custom football shin guards.

Size Chart measurements indicated at 5ft my daughter would be a small... these are WAY too small, must be childrens shinguards (although nothing in description indicates that)

Football Shin Guard Evolution

For millennia shin guards existed exclusively in the realm of the warrior. Designed to protect a soldier's lower leg, the shin guard is believed to have first been employed by the Greeks or Romans over 3,000 years ago. The use of shin guards in athletics originated with the sport of cricket in the early 's, when large cane ribbed pads were developed to protect the knees and legs of batsmen attempting to block a 100 mph hard leather ball from striking the stumps. The first documented use of shin guards in English football (soccer) occurred in , when a former cricketer, Sam Weller Widdowson, fashioned a cut down version of his cricket pads to wear on the outside of his socks during a game.

Yale Football Team showing most players wearing shin protection

American Made

Imported for American Sport

Chris Hornung
November 27,

Football Shin Guard Evolution

Wright & Ditson's Annual Illustrated Catalogue,

The earliest known reference to American football shin guards is a Peck & Snyder advertisement found in Wright & Ditson's publication of Walter Camp's American Intercollegiate Association's Foot-Ball Rules. Shin guards may have been offered in earlier Peck & Snyder catalogs, which were first published in , but these reference materials were not available for inspection for this article.

By , both Peck & Snyder (New York) and Wright & Ditson (Boston) were advertising foot ball shin guards and curiously used the identical images and descriptions in their catalogs. A likely explanation for this is that both dealers were importing shin guards from the same distributor in England or purchasing from the same importer, who provided them each the same printing block. Designed for use in both Association football (soccer) and Rugby football, the imported guards consisted of a buff or chamois leather body with cane reed inserts and elastic straps secured with buckles or two-prong clasps.

Peck & Snyder's Price List of Out & Indoor Sports & Pastimes,

Early shin guards were designed to be worn under the stocking, making photographic evidence of their use, and documentation of their popularity in the 's and 's, scarce. However, given the prevalent style of play, it is likely that linemen in particular would have worn shin guards during this time period. Nineteenth century football games consisted of a series of "scrummages" in which the ball was placed in the center of a mass of players who each attempted to kick the ball forward towards their opponents goal, or backwards to their "backs". A player's shins would be very vulnerable in the melee, particularly once bars and cleats were added to football shoes. By the early 's, shin guards were more common on the football field, but still not considered standard equipment. In his "An Introductory Chapter for Beginners" in the Spalding Intercollegiate Foot Ball Guide, Walter Camp stated:

For more information, please visit custom motorcycle hip pads.

Closeup showing white chamois shin guards

Closeup showing players with A) buff leather guard outside of stocking, B) guard beneath stocking, and C) thick wool socks with no guard




A.G. Spalding's Inter-Collegiate Football Guide,

A.G. Spalding's Inter-Collegiate Football Guide,

c. buff leather shin guards with riveted leather straps

During the 's, the increased popularity of football shin guards is evidenced by the preponderance of players wearing them in team photographs. This growth in popularity also coincided with the rise of American sporting goods companies who relentlessly promoted the benefits of sports and, not surprisingly, the essential equipment for participants.

It is unknown when American sporting goods companies first began to manufacture shin guards domestically, but it is probable that it occurred in the early 's, the same period in which A.G. Spalding began to produce its own footballs. Up until that point, American football shin guards were indistinguishable from soccer and rugby guards sold by British manufacturers. In , A.G. Spalding introduced an "improved pattern" shin guard that was available in leather for $1.50 per pair, and two lower grade materials, moleskin ($1.25) and canvas ($1.00). Both materials would be used repeatedly as lesser expensive alternatives to leather in lower grade head harnesses and pads through the 's. It is likely that this material divergence signifies the start of domestic production of shin guards in the United States.

A.J. Reach & Co. No. 6 Canvas Shin Guards, c. -

Benetfink & Company's Sports and Games Catalogue, Cheapside England, , showing British guards with continuous straps and ankle guard variants

A.J. Reach & Co. Fall & Winter Catalog,

American football shin guard design remained relatively unchanged through the 's until the early 's. Meanwhile, British manufacturers added features to their guards that would later be adopted by their American counterparts, including continuous straps and ankle guards.

Team photo enlargement showing players wearing cane rib shin guards

"Long woolen stockings are worn, and occasionally, but not usually, shin guards by men playing in the forward line."

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