How To Select The Right Tile - California Wholesale Tile

19 Aug.,2024


How To Select The Right Tile - California Wholesale Tile

What the heck do all those numbers, grades, and terms really mean?

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit Ralart Mosaic.


To understand the quality and durability of ceramic and porcelain tiles we are able to turn to both the (ANSI) &#;American National Standards Institute&#;, as well as the (ASTM) &#;American Society For Testing Materials&#;, which provide the testing procedures and standard values for tiles.

Water Absorption Test ASTM C373
Can this tile be used in a shower, what about a swimming pool?

One method for classifying ceramic tile is by the percent of water absorption as measured by this test. Individual tiles are weighed, saturated in water then weighed again. The percent of difference between the two conditions is refereed to as the water absorption value. Four categories of tiles are established using these results as a guideline.

Impervious: Tile with water absorption of 0.5 percent or less.
Vitreous: Tile with water absorption of 0.5 percent to 3 percent.
Semi Vitreous: Tile with water absorption of 3 percent to 7 percent.
Non Vitreous: Tile with water absorption in excess of 7 percent.

The smaller percentage of water absorption the better the tile will perform when placed in a submerged or wet application. Non Vitreous tiles are not even recommended for floor use.
This test is also sometimes used as a good indicator to predict the stain resistance of unglazed tile, the lower the absorption the greater stain resistance.

Chemical Resistance Test ASTM C650
Will this tile be alright in a beauty salon, what about a commercial setting where harsh chemicals are used?

Resistance to chemicals may be an important consideration in the selection of tile for a specific application. The standard testing procedure involves placing the tile sample in continuous contact with a variety of chemicals for 24 hours, raising the surface and then examining the surface for damage or variation.

MOH&#;S Scale Rating &#;Do Not Confuse With PEI Rating&#;

The relative hardness of glazed tile is an important issue that should be addressed when selecting a tile. Scratching the surface of the tile with different minerals at the same pressure performs the test and subjectively assigns a &#;MOH&#;S Scale Hardness&#; number to the glaze. The softest mineral used is talc, #1 if no scratch; the hardest is a diamond a #10 if no scratch. Other minerals of varying hardness make up #2 through #9. A value of #5 or greater is suitable for most residential floor applications. A value of #7 or greater is normally recommended for commercial or high traffic applications.

Abrasion Resistance Test &#;PEI Rating&#; ISO -7
PEI &#; Porcelain enamel institute

The durability of a tile&#;s glaze can be measured, subjectively, by observing the visible surface of the tile when subjected to this test. Usually an abrasive paid is ground against the tile for a period of time. The amount of damage done to the glaze is recorded and assigned a PEI rating of #1 &#; #5.

Class 1: Generally not recommended for use on floors.

Class 2: Residential floor coverings in areas subject to soft-soled to normal footwear traffic with no scratching dirt. Domestic bathrooms and bedrooms without exterior access. (Light Traffic)

Class 3: Residential floor coverings in areas subject to normal footwear traffic with small amounts of scratching dirt. Rooms in living areas of homes except kitchens, entrances, and other areas that may be subject to high traffic. (Medium Traffic)

Class 4: Residential or light commercial floor coverings in areas subject to normal footwear. Halls, kitchens, entryways. (Medium-High Traffic)

Class 5: Commercial or residential floor coverings in areas subject to high traffic and scratching dirt. Malls, hotels, airports. (Heavy Traffic)

All floors should be adequately protected against scratching dirt in entrances to buildings by
either floor mats, or some other footwear-cleaning device.

I have heard many salespeople till their clients that all porcelain tiles are Class 5. This is NOT true, most porcelain tiles today are glazed just like their ceramic cousins and may be just as easily scratched or worn. Sometimes the only difference is in the body of the tile, not the glaze.

Coefficient Of Friction Test ASTM C
Will this tile be too slippery for my bathroom floor?

This test establishes how much effort it takes to move an object across the face of the tile dry or wet. This is essentially important when choosing floor tile in an attempt to minimize slip and fall injuries. For example, the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires that floor surfaces be stable, firm, and slip resistant. Further, the Building Code for the City of Los Angeles, California (USA) requires that level surfaces have a COF of not less than 0.6 and ramps no less than 0.8 when tested.

Breaking Strength Test ASTM C648

Ceramic tiles used on floors and walls must be able to withstand the expected load bearing capacity of various installations. In order to determine the breaking and flexing strength of the tile there is a standard test method used to evaluate individual pieces. A force is applied to an unsupported portion of the tile until breakage occurs. The ultimate breaking strength is then recorded in pounds. Final selection of the tile should be based upon the breaking strength and appropriate installation method.

Freeze/Thaw Resistance ASTM C

Establishes the tiles ability to resist freeze thaw damage. Tiles that are not frost resistant could have problems with the glaze flaking off, and or cracking.

What&#;s the deal with porcelain tiles?

Doesn&#;t it seem that everything is switching from ceramic to porcelain? Due to the internet and shows on HGTV, consumers are now more aware than ever that they need porcelain tile for their home. Most of them just don&#;t know why.
If made correctly by a good factory porcelain tile Is superior to ceramic. Let me say that there is nothing wrong with ceramic. Ceramic tile has been used for thousands of years and holds up great. I feel that the reason we have seen so much porcelain lately is due to other countries having the ability to undercut the Italian market. The Italians have no other choice than to switch most of their production to porcelain to compete with the quality to price ratio. There was the same change about 10/15 years ago when everything went from red bodied ceramic to white bodied ceramic.
Unglazed Porcelain
Unglazed porcelain tiles are very tough and extremely dense. Porcelain Tiles are manufactured by dust pressing in dyes at very high pressure and are then fired in a kiln at over degrees C.
They are a through color product &#;the color goes through the whole body of the tile&#; and in very heavy traffic ie:- industrial flooring situations, they may wear, but will retain their original color.
They are available with various finishes from matt to a very high polished gloss, to rough textured. They are also available with a rectified edge this means tile edges are ground to an exact tile size with a square edge finish.
Glazed Porcelain
Again extremely durable products which are glazed on top of the dense tile body. This glazed product unlike the unglazed porcelain can have pattern, varying colors and stone look-alike finishes.
Glazed porcelain tiles can have just about any type of finish. They can be ground and polished to produce a completely flat surface. They are also available in the rectified finish, as described under the unglazed porcelain. Glazed porcelain can also be a semi through bodied tile, the color of the body can be matched to the glaze color. Therefore chips would not be as noticeable.

We hope that this information will help you to correctly answer your clients questions and assist them in selecting a tile that is just right.

Increase Your Pool Knowledge

If you are reading this, you are taking the first step in doing this the right way. Winging it and figuring it out as you go is the wrong way, but you&#;d be surprised at how many service companies start by doing just that. Experimenting on unsuspecting homeowner&#;s pools is heinous. Increase your pool knowledge!

I honestly don&#;t care in what order you set your company up in making it a legal company, and I need you to understand that having an education before you stick a pole in the water is as important as liability insurance or a business license. I&#;m actually tempted to say more important,&#; but I don&#;t want you running around out there with some knowledge and a company that isn&#;t legal either.

Work for Someone.

Probably not what you want to hear. You&#;ve decided to be your own boss, and here I am telling you to go out and find a job. But, you may want to bite the bullet. The best way to obtain the experience necessary to start servicing swimming pools is to experience servicing swimming pools.

Increase Your Pool Knowledge

What you learn hands-on in the field cannot be duplicated in any class, video, or book. It would be impossible to simulate all of the scenarios you would be exposed to on a route&#;s day-to-day. This is going to be a commitment in time. You are not going to have the skills you need after a year. In fact, the more years you have under your belt working for a seasoned pool professional, the better you will be set up for success.

Are you interested in learning more about Swimming Pool Mosaic Wholesale? Contact us today to secure an expert consultation!

Increase Your Pool Knowledge!

The listing of


below is not all-inclusive.

Manufacturer Training Seminars.

These are great and super convenient. Manufacturers hold these lectures, often with some degree of hands-on opportunity, at swimming pool supply distribution centers about the country.

Increase Your Pool Knowledge

The beauty of this is that there are so many distributor locations that you will likely be able to attend manufacturer training seminars in the county or town you live in; who better to teach you to use a product than the folks that manufactured it. Contact your local swimming pool wholesale distributor and inquire about these opportunities.

Trade Associations.

Trade associations are a tremendous resource with a focus on industry advocacy and education. You will have choices of either national or regional organizations. Membership fees will vary, but many will also offer non-member pricing on their classroom sessions if you are not ready to commit.

Increase Your Pool Knowledge

However, when you decide to become a member, you will have the strength of that association in support, hundreds of fellow members available for assistance, and local chapter meetings for networking and additional educational opportunities.

Trade Shows.

Trade shows are more than crowded convention centers speckled with eager vendors standing in front of elaborate displays handing out swag, ready to answer questions about product, and sometimes offering deep discounts via &#;Try Me&#; programs.

Hint &#; Many times, vendors do not want to pack up everything in their booths and bring it back with them. The last thirty minutes of the last day of a show can yield some significant savings.

Don&#;t get me wrong, it is all of that, and it is pretty freaking spectacular, but they are also a wealth of educational lectures lead by some of the best of the best. The format is usually such that the class offerings are posted to the show or organization&#;s website far in advance for attendee review and registration. Don&#;t wait too long if you see a session you like; the popular ones can fill up fast.

Certification classes.

These certificate programs provide an excellent foundation on which you can build upon, either specializing on a single facet or exposing a student to pool care A through Z. The classes are not designed to take you from rookie to expert; however, if paired with the right instructor the level of retention can be quite high.

The programs are a great introduction to the swimming pool, everything for those that are green, and a tremendous refresher for the seasoned professional. I have yet to have anyone at any level of experience leave one of my classes without learning at least one new thing. I can say this &#; the Advanced Pool Water Chemistry Certification class is not a beginner class.

Trade Magazines.

If you think these publications are nothing more than a collection of ads scantly separated by articles written by individuals who have done little more than swim in a pool, you&#;ll need to think again. What you&#;ll actually find in the pages are paragraphs of experience shared by contributors and columnists who not only talk the talk but walk the walk.

You&#;ll find most are individuals at the top of their field, which at the end of the day, take pen to paper in hopes of sharing from their personal experiences. The best part is all are available in eBook format, and the paper magazines are delivered FREE.


Single-subject online live educational seminars where attendees have the ability to submit questions to the presenter. Quite often, those that attend will receive a certificate of completion for attending the session. A webinar is not free by definition.

However, I am not familiar with anyone offering these, charging a fee. Manufacturers primarily offer these in the industry and again puts you in touch with an expert on the subject at hand. Why would anyone pass on a free educational opportunity?

Podcasts, Blogs, and YouTube Channels.

Do you prefer to listen, read, or watch? User content on one platform or another (like this one) can put you in touch with pool professionals in the field through various means. You do need to be careful here.

The information put out on these platforms is only as accurate as that of the person who published it. These can be a great educational tool, or they can send you spiraling in the wrong direction. Not to worry, if you read the reviews and talk to your peers, you will undoubtedly wind up following some top-notch publications and programs.

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Facebook Groups.

I debated whether or not I would add this one here. Still, truth be told that pool industry Facebook groups provide a forum for networking, collaboration, and mentor-mentee interaction with a healthy dose of FUN in-between.

Even if you are not comfortable contributing initially, you can always hang in the shadows and observe a pool of professionals from around the world work together to develop solutions to member quandaries in real-time. I am not aware of any other format that is as conducive to such.

Rudy Stankowitz vacuums the swimming pool at Bob & Rita Marley&#;s home in Nassau. RIP &#;Tuff Gong&#; May 11, &#;&#;

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