Why iron, nickel are considered as magnetic materials?

25 Mar.,2024


Iron and nickel are two metals that are commonly known for their magnetic properties. These two elements are considered magnetic materials due to their unique atomic structures and the way their electrons behave. In this article, we will explore why iron and nickel are considered magnetic materials, and how these properties make them useful in various applications.

Atomic structure of iron and nickel.

The reason why iron and nickel are magnetic materials lies in their atomic structures. Both iron and nickel have unpaired electrons in their outermost energy level, which allows them to create magnetic fields. When these unpaired electrons align in the same direction, they create a net magnetic moment, which in turn creates a magnetic field around the atom.

Ferromagnetism in iron and nickel.

Iron and nickel exhibit a type of magnetism called ferromagnetism, which is the strongest type of magnetism. In ferromagnetic materials like iron and nickel, the magnetic moments of individual atoms align in the same direction, creating a strong magnetic field. This alignment of magnetic moments is maintained even after an external magnetic field is removed, which is why iron and nickel can retain their magnetism.

Curie temperature.

One important property of ferromagnetic materials like iron and nickel is their Curie temperature. The Curie temperature is the temperature at which a ferromagnetic material loses its magnetic properties. For iron, the Curie temperature is 770°C, while for nickel, it is 358°C. Above these temperatures, iron and nickel become paramagnetic, meaning they lose their permanent magnetism.

Applications of iron and nickel as magnetic materials.

Iron and nickel's magnetic properties make them indispensable materials in various applications. One of the most common uses of iron and nickel is in the manufacturing of magnets. Permanent magnets made from iron, nickel, and other materials are used in electric motors, speakers, magnetic storage devices, and many other electronic devices.

Moreover, iron and nickel are also used in the production of alloys with magnetic properties. Alloys such as alnico (aluminum, nickel, cobalt, and iron) and permalloy (iron and nickel) combine the magnetic properties of iron and nickel with the advantages of other elements to create materials with specific magnetic characteristics.

In addition to their use in magnets and magnetic alloys, iron and nickel are also used in the production of electromagnetic cores for transformers and inductors. The magnetic properties of iron and nickel help increase the efficiency and performance of these devices by concentrating and directing magnetic fields.


In conclusion, iron and nickel are considered magnetic materials due to their atomic structures and the phenomenon of ferromagnetism. Their ability to create and retain magnetic fields makes them invaluable materials in various applications, including the production of magnets, magnetic alloys, and electromagnetic cores. Understanding the magnetic properties of iron and nickel is essential for harnessing the full potential of these materials in modern technology.

For more information on iron, nickel, and other magnetic materials, please contact us.

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