The History of Fiberglass

29 Apr.,2024


The History of Fiberglass

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Fiberglass has become a ubiquitous product in today’s world. You almost certainly have several fiberglass products in your home (or even on it). In 2020, total global glass fiber demand totaled 10.7 billion pounds. And yet, just 100 years ago, total demand was about zero. 

So how did we get here? This post tells the fascinating story of the creation of fiberglass and how it became one of the most important industrial products. 

Before diving in, we should start by clarifying our terms. “Fiberglass” is actually used to refer to two distinct things. Sometimes, the term is referring to glass fibers, which can be found, for instance, in insulation. On the other hand, the term is also used to refer to the combination of glass fibers and a polymer matrix, like the fiberglass hull of a speed boat. A more accurate term for the latter is “FRP,” or “Fiber Reinforced Polymer.” We’ll use that term in what follows to avoid confusion.

Early Experiments with Glass Fibers

If you’ve ever had the chance to see a glassblower at work, perhaps you’ve seen molten glass being drawn out into surprisingly fine strands. There’s nothing particularly challenging about that. We know the ancient Egyptians, Phoenicians, and Greeks understood how to make delicate glass threads and would use them for decorative purposes.

But making some strands by hand and producing a large number of very fine glass fibers are two different things. In the 1800s, people in various places began to experiment with techniques for achieving this much harder result. The first patent in the US for the production of glass fiber was issued to Hermann Hammesfahr in 1880. He developed a cloth woven from glass fibers and silk.

His patent was purchased by Libbey Glass of Toledo, OH, which produced lampshades and a dress made from the cloth to be displayed at the 1893 World’s Fair in Chicago. The dress received a lot of attention, though commercial applications would have to wait for further developments.

A Key Breakthrough

Those developments came in 1932. The depression was being felt acutely by glassmaker Owens-Illinois, in Toledo, OH, as the economic downturn had lowered demand for glass bottles. Games Slayter, an engineer at the company, was working on ways to produce glass fibers as a strategy for finding new markets for glass. 

Another employee at Owens-Illinois, Dale Kleist, was experimenting with fusing glass blocks together using molten glass sprayed out of a gun originally designed for spraying molten bronze. When he attempted to spray the glass, however, the gun emitted instead a shower of fine glass strands. Slayter immediately saw the potential of this accidental discovery and honed the process of producing large quantities of glass fiber efficiently and cheaply, which was patented in 1933. 

The first product Slayter made with these new glass fibers was an air filter, which went on the market in 1932. This was to be the first commercially successful product made of glass fiber.

At the same time, Corning Glass of New York was also working on methods of producing glass fibers. The company approached Owens-Illinois to collaborate on research. In 1938 these companies formed the Owens-Corning Fiberglas Company (their name for the product had only one ‘s’), which continued to perfect techniques of industrial glass fiber production.

The Creation of FRP

Very soon after the discovery of methods to produce glass fiber in commercial quantities, engineers realized the potential to use it as a reinforcing material in a composite. The idea itself wasn’t new. Chemist Leo Baekeland, who invented the first synthetic plastic Bakelite in 1907, used asbestos fibers to reinforce the product.

During WWII, glass fibers were embedded in various resins to create the first examples of FRP using fiberglass. The early examples were used exclusively in military applications, particularly for aircraft parts. 

An important breakthrough came in the development of a polyester resin called Laminac, produced by American Cyanamid in 1943. Whereas previous polymers had to be cured with high heat, this polymer could be used and cured (using a hardener additive) at room temperature. This allowed for much greater flexibility in the fabrication of FRP.

Soon after the availability of this resin, the first FRP boat was built in Toledo by Ray Greene. In 1945, an FRP car prototype, called the Scarab, was built and driven across the country. In the 1950s, FRP using glass fibers gradually expanded into the range of products we associate with it today.

Fiberglass Today

The process for manufacturing fiberglass has changed a bit since the innovations of Kleist and Slayter. Their method of subjecting a stream of molten glass to pressurized air or steam is still in use, though in an updated form. The more common method of production involves forcing molten glass through tiny nozzles to create fine strands of glass, which are then drawn into a spool.

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Different kinds of glass fibers are produced, depending upon the application for the finished product. The kind of glass fibers used in insulation, for example, are created in such a way as to trap lots of pockets of air in the glass. This has obvious advantages for a product used to insulate. Some types of class are created to have a higher tensile strength, while others are formulated to be especially resistant to certain chemicals or environmental conditions.

The most common applications of fiberglass are in the building industry. Most new houses are insulated using fiberglass batting and standard asphalt shingles also contain fiberglass reinforcement. 

In addition, fiberglass combined with resins is used in numerous applications where a strong, lightweight, and highly durable material is called for. This includes components in the auto and aviation industry, boat construction, sporting goods, storage tanks, shower stalls, and numerous other examples. 

FRP use in construction and industry continues to expand because of the useful properties of this versatile composite. At Tencom, we have seen this growth first hand as we have continually developed our expertise and capacity in the production of pultruded fiberglass products. If you’d like to hear more about what fiberglass can do for you, please get in touch.

The History of Fiberglass

The History of Fiberglass

The ancient Pheonicians and Egyptians were two civilizations that made glass, and both of them made glass into fibers, or made fiberglass. Many other civilizations had access to glass fibers. Of these, most made a small amount of the glass fiber at a time, and the fiber that they did make was very coarse. They used this fiber for decoration, unaware of the potential that lay within it.

In 1870, a man named John Player developed a process of mass producing glass strands with a steam jet process to make what was called mineral wool. This material was used as an effective insulation.

In 1880 Herman Hammesfahr was awarded a patent for a type of fiberglass cloth. This fiberglass cloth had silk interwoven with it. It was both durable and flame retardent.

The first glass fibers of the type that we know today as fiberglass were made through an accident, as many advancements in science have been. Dale Kleist, a young researcher for Corning Glass had been attempting to weld two glass blocks together to form an airtight seal. Unexpectedly, a jet of compressed air hit a stream of the molten glass and created a shower of glass fibers, showing Dale an easy method to create fiberglass.

In 1935, Corning Glass joined with Owens-Illinois, another company that had been experimenting with fiberglass, to develop the product further. In 1936, they patented the product "Fiberglas", with only 1 "s.", and then in 1938 the two companies merged to become Owens-Corning, which is still in existance today.

In the late 1930�s to early 1940�s they researched the idea of spinning the fibers into a cloth like material. In 1941, experiments progressed with heat cleaning and treating Fiberglas cloth. The heat treatment gave the cloth more flexibility, and proved to be key in making Fiberglas fibers suitable for use as reinforcements in plastic laminates.

In 1936, Carlton Ellis of DuPont was awarded a patent for polyester resin. Polyester resin is something that can be combined with Fiberglas to produce a composite.

The germans furthered the manufacutring process of polyester resin by refining its curing process. During World War II British intelligence agents stole secrets for the resin from the germans and turned them over to American firms. American Cyanamid produced the direct forerunner of todays polyester resin in 1942.

As early as 1942, Owens-Corning was producing fiberglass and polyester airplane parts for the war effort. These were low pressure plastic laminates made from the patented Fiberglass cloth impregnated with the resin.

The earliest reference to a composite boat having been made was around 1937, made by Ray Greene. Ray had been working with Owens Corning on fiberglass composites. While he did make a composite sailboat, he did not attempt to capitalize upon the idea, because he was looking for just the right plastic for the resin of the composite. In 1942, he produced a daysailer made with a polyester resin/fiberglass composite.

And, today, almost every family in America has some sort of fiberglass item. Perhaps it is a water faucet, or a shower stall, or a bathtub. Perhaps it is a car, or a boat. Or perhaps there is fiberglass insulation in the walls. The list of uses for fiberglass composites may go on nearly forever.

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