Hydraulic Modular Trailer

29 Jul.,2024


Hydraulic Modular Trailer

A modular trailer is a series of special vehicles that is used to transport large cargos that are difficult to disassemble. The trailer is also used transport over-length goods.

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The major applications of modular trailers include power stations, chemical industry, iron and steel industry and the construction industry. Modular trailers are used for mining operations because of their excellent lateral stability.

A self-propelled modular transporter without the power pack unit is similar to the hydraulic modular trailer. The main between the modular trailer and the SPMT without the PPU is that they have a different steering system.

The modular trailer uses a mechanical steering system. Another difference is that the modular trailer can be combined using a gooseneck and a drawbar.

The vehicle loading platform of a modular trailer is kept at balance when transporting goods on bumpy or rough roads in a way that the damping property is excellent.

The brace kit of the vehicle can achieve three or four brace points to ensure that the load of each point is uniform. The four points also ensure that there is no partial set.

The steering system of the modular trailer has a hydraulic planar pitman driver. The vehicle can achieve minimum turning diameter and normal drive by adjusting the hydraulic steering system and using different reasonable pitman layouts.

The supporting assemblies for the trailer part have a solid box beam structure. High performance welding steel is used to make the main frame longitudinal girder, bogie frame, steering arm, and the platform.

This form of combination is in different series include the 2-file, 3-file, and 4- file combination with drawbar. The main difference on these combinations is the type of accessories used. Each of these combinations is outlined below.

This is useful 16 panel Hydraulic Platform Transporter Reference Card is developed by me, Marco J. van Daal, and is applicable for every type of hydraulic platform transporter on the market today, both pull type as well as self propelled modular transporters (SPMT).

overview of the standard 3-point and 4-point suspension settings. It identifies every hydraulic suspension valve and hydraulic line on the transporter and an easy to understand diagram visualizes the oil flow and the effect on the operation. Furthermore, this panel offers definitions and principle working and highlights terminology. All other panels refer back to this panel 1 for terminology and abbreviations. explains the difference between an axle and an axle line. It illustrates the possible movements of such axles with their respective minimum and maximum height to negotiate uneven terrain. A picture clarifies the various components of a pendulum axle assembly. This panel offers a sample calculation of the so-called &#;equalizing effect&#; that takes the guessing out of a transport operation. highlights the difference between pull type and self propelled transporters, in terms of steering capabilities, steering angles, tires per axle, payload per axle line, self weight and dimensions. This panel also offers a sample calculation of how to determine the minimum required number of axle lines to carry a certain load. This calculation can be easily applied to your situation. an overview of rolling resistance of vehicles and how you can quickly determine the required truck capacity to pull a certain load. Similarly it shows how to figure out how many drive axles an SPMT would need to transport the same load and what the capacity (kW or hp) of the power pack (PPU) needs to be to handle the demand. In case the transport is climbing a gradient it is obvious that the required power increases, the panel provides this as well. a quick and easy calculation on how to determine the hydraulic stability angle of a transport, in a 3-point as well as in a 4-point suspension configuration, with a single formula. The hydraulic stability angle is a measure of how close the combined center of gravity (CoG) is to the tipping lines of the stability area. This gives the crew a better level of comfort when changes in the field take place. calculating the structural stability angle of a transport, in a 3-point as well as in a 4-point suspension configuration, with a single formula. The structural stability angle is a measure of how close the transporter is to being structurally overloaded. In addition, this panel provides information on the limiting factors on 3-point and 4-point suspension and on the recommended Safe Stability Angles. a complete hydraulic and structural stability sample calculation based on the information and formulas from the preceding panels. It also calculates the minimum number of requires axle lines given a certain load and the required pull force while going up hill. This panel gives an outline that can be easily adopted to your load. The spine beam offers resistance against torsion, bending and shear forces. It is important not to exceed the maximum values of these forces. Specifically with concentrated loads there is a significant risk of spine beam overload if not correctly analyzed. This panel shows how to determine the spine beam bending moment and how many axles may extend beyond the load given the type and approximate age of the transporter model. deals with ground pressure, arguably the most controversial topic in the Heavy Transport industry. This panel offers two easy methods of calculating ground pressure underneath a transporter. Both methods are an approach with acceptable outcomes and avoid that a full soil analysis by geophysicists has to be carried out. One method is a bit more conservative than the other, they both use the transporter &#;shadow area&#; as the base for the calculation. handles the first of 3 types of external forces, the curve or centripetal forces. The centripetal forces cause the transporter and load to have the tendency to move away from the center of the curve. The faster the transporter moves (higher speed), the higher these centripetal forces become. Centripetal forces can get out of control rather rapidly as they quadruple when the velocity doubles. handles the second type of external forces, the wind and acceleration/deceleration forces. These forces are determined in a similar way although they act differently on the load. The deceleration forces, when applying the brakes or when making an emergency stop, are the most significant and therefore have the largest impact on transport stability. Still, the other forces cannot be neglected. handles the gradient forces that act on a load when traveling on an incline/decline or when negotiating a road camber without the transporter being compensated for the angle. These uncompensated situations result in a longitudinal force (in case of an incline/decline) and a transverse force (in case of a road camber) that have an influence on the axle loads and ultimately on the stability of the transport. about lashing and securing. It shows how each lashing contributes in each direction given the angle it is applied at. This panel shows how much lashing is required to secure against the external forces from the preceding panels. The dunnage placed between the load and the transporter deck increases the friction which is taken into account as well. An added benefit is that correctly and sufficiently applied lashing reduces the combined Center of Gravity. a complete lashing calculation using the information from the preceding panels. The external forces, wind, centripetal and acceleration/deceleration forces are all taken into account as well as the friction that is provided by the plywood placed between the load and the transporter deck. An easy to understand matrix indicates how much lashing is required in each direction under the given conditions. about the application of a goose neck. Used by many, understood by few. This panel explains the difference between the two types of goose necks in existence. The goose neck transfers part of the load weight to the 5th wheel of the truck via a hydraulic hinge system, herewith eliminating the need for counterweight and resulting in a lower gross vehicle weight (GVW). This transfer of load results in a reduced axle load. a Beaufort wind scale and a number of recommendation when deciding on a suspension configuration. It highlights the pros and cons of both the 3-point as well as the 4-point suspension configuration and recommends when to use which one. These recommendations are determined by the center of gravity (CoG) and the potential to overload the transporter.

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Hydraulic Modular Trailer

8.6 Budget Considerations

It&#;s important to balance between the quality and price of the product. It&#;s a common understanding that extremely low prices can indicate lower quality. This is especially true in the Chinese market, where it&#;s hard to judge a product&#;s quality just by its appearance.

If you find a supplier offering prices 20% lower than the market&#;s lowest, be careful. Low prices can lead to poor quality, and sometimes even scams, so you&#;d better go to the factory to check their product first before making the purchase. Remember, in business, the cheapest option can often mean higher costs in the long run due to repairs, maintenance, or the need to replace the product entirely.

My advice is to adjust your budget to prioritize product quality. It&#;s better to invest a bit more upfront than to face continuous problems later. Remember, you know we usually get what we pay for.