Electroless Nickel Plating Tutorial

29 Jul.,2024


Electroless Nickel Plating Tutorial

Electroless Nickel Plating Tutorial

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Electroless Nickel Plating can be a simple and effective way of applying a nickel plate over steel, iron, copper, brass, zincated aluminum and copper alloys.

Electroless Nickel is applied by heating the nickel bath to 195°F, and then immersing the part to be plated into the bath for 15-60 minutes, depending on the desired thickness. No rectifiers or DC power are required - an autocatalytic reaction takes place that applies the nickel coating.

The tricky part about electroless plating is that you must keep at least 80% of the nickel in the plating solution at all times. Letting the amount of nickel get below 80% will cause the bath to crash, rendering it useless. Commercial platers have full time chemists on hand to monitor and make additions to their large and expensive nickel tanks. On our small scale, this is not possible, so we monitor this using a balance sheet, like a checkbook register.

NOTE: Thanks to one of our ingenious customers, we can now offer a small piece of Windows software to help you work out and track your credits. Download it here.

Plating Copper and Copper Alloys

Parts made from copper and copper alloys need to be in contact with a piece of steel, in the solution, for approximately 5 minutes so that the autocatalytic reaction will start. Once the reaction starts (part will start to gas), you can remove the steel. Some customers prefer to hang these parts into the solution from a piece of steel wire.

Nickel Credits

Nickel credits are a term we use to keep track of the nickel level in the tank.

Depending on the volume of plating solution, you start out with a number of credits. In our mini kit (5 pint), you have credits to start.)

Credits are used when you plate a part. To calculate credits used, you multiply the surface area in inches by the time you are plating.

The time you are plating, determines the plating thickness. 30 minutes of plating time give a coating that is 1/2 mil thick (0.")

Let's practice a few calculations:

Example 1

  1. You have a part that is 5"x5" square, and flat, that you need to plate. That's 25 square inches per side, or 50 square inches total.
  2. You want 0." of nickel plating on the part, requiring a 30 minute plating time.
  3. You will use 50 x 30 = nickel credits

Example 2

  1. You have a cube shaped part that is 3"x3"x3". That's 54 square inches in area.
  2. You want 1 mil of thickness, requiring 60 minutes plating time.
  3. You will use 54 x 60 = nickel credits

Ok, so we understand how credits are used, but how are they replenished in the plating system?


In our Standard Electroless Nickel Kit (10 pint bath), we start out with nickel credits. This is based on the volume of chemicals in the tank. A kit twice the size would have twice the credits to start.

Using Example 1 above, we would use nickel credits during plating, so - = nickel credits left after plating. Easy, right?

BUT - we MUST remember that at no time can the amount of nickel credits in the bath get below 80% of their initial level, or the bath will crash. 80% of the original = credits.

So, if we plated this part for the entire 30 minutes, the bath would have crashed and would be useless.

So, how can we plate this part? Simple.....we must add replenisher during the plating.

  1. Using Example 1 above, we know that we will use nickel credits during the 30 minute plating time.
  2. We know that we must replenish after we use up 80% of the original credits (80% of = 720)
  3. We know that credits are calculated as time x area.
  4. We can work out that if the part is 50 square inches, we will lose 720 credits after 14 minutes. (720/50=14.4)
  5. Therefore, we must add replenisher every 14 minutes to bring the bath back up to it's original level. (To replenish 720 credits, we add 1floz of part A and 2floz of part C)
  6. We will need to do this every 14 minutes, so during a 30 minute plating cycle, you will replenish twice.

Ok, let's try with Example 2:

  1. In a Standard Electroless Nickel Kit we start with credits.
  2. Your part is 54 square inches in area.
  3. How many credits will you use during the entire plating time of 60 minutes?
  4. At what credit level do you need to replenish?
  5. After how many minutes should you replenish?
  6. How many times?


Are you interested in learning more about Nickel Sheets? Contact us today to secure an expert consultation!

  1. 60 mins x 54 sq in = credits
  2. 80% of the beginning = 720 credits
  3. 720 credits, divided by 54 sq inches = 13.3 minutes (13 is ok)
  4. credits used / 720 credits each time = 4.5. If you replenish 4 times, once every 13 minutes, you'll have added credits out of the used, so at the end, add half a replensiher to give you back the balance of 360 credits.

Maximum Load

Another consideration when electroless plating is Maximum Load. A certain volume of electroless plating solution can only plate a part that is a certain area or less. Parts bigger cause the autocatalytic reaction to fail.

In the mini 5 pint kit, the max load is 75 sq inches. If your part is bigger than that, you'll need a larger volume of plating solution to plate it.

Plating Solution VolumeMax Load 5 pint 75 sq in 10 pint 150 sq in 20 pint 300 sq in 40 pint 600 sq in

Making Up The Bath

Electroless Nickel Kits come with two enamel tanks. One for the electroless plating solution and one for the degreaser. Both are placed on a hotplate, stovetop, BBQ grill etc and heated to 195°F (glass thermometer included)

  1. To mix the degreaser, add 1 lb of powder to 2 gallons of distilled water and stir. Adjust these ratios for smaller kits.
  2. To mix the electroless solution, mix the chemicals using the ratio:
    • 1floz Part A, 3floz Part B, 16floz distilled water (Makes 1.25 pints)
  3. ie. for a 5 pint kit (5 pints / 1.25 pints = 4 batches), so 4floz Part A, 12floz Part B and 64floz distilled water
  4. DO NOT ADD Part C or the END solution. Part C is used to replenish. END is used to make the kit drain safe for disposal.
  5. Add the entire bag of plastic balls. These help retain heat in the tank and reduce evaporation.

The Plating Process

Ok, so now that we've understood the nickel credits and how to ensure your electroless nickel kit won't be ruined during plating, it's time to plate a real part.

The look of your plated part is completely dependant on the look of your part before it's plated. A shiny part will be shiny when plated. A dull part will be dull when plated. This can be useful if you require a matte, or butler nickel. Just scotchbrite or bead blast the part, then plate it.

Assuming you want a shiny plated part, the steps are as follows:

  1. Buff and polish the part to a high shine
  2. Degrease the part in the SP Degreaser and do a waterbreak test. If the part fails the test, clean again until it passes.
  3. Calculate the number of credits you'll use and mix up your replenisher beforehand, so it's ready.
  4. Check Max Load - is your part too large?
  5. Heat the plating solution to 195F. Check the temperature with your thermometer and adjust your heat source so temp is maintained.
  6. Check for copper alloy - hang from a piece of steel if required.
  7. Hang the part into the plating bath
  8. Replenish if required during the plating cycle.


Electroless plating can be highly convenient because of the elimination of a power source, and very useful if you need to plate inside tubes, into heavily recessed areas, or when you have hundreds of small parts to plate (they can be dumped into a basket instead of having to be hung from wires), but a thourough understanding of the replenishment process is required.

Because of the "approximate" nature of our replenishment process (both area and times are approximate), the system has a maximum replenishment cycle of ten replenishes. At this stage, the credit level becomes unreliable. Because of this, Caswell Electroless Systems are is not suitable for larger operations where the monetary loss should a bath crash would be considerable. In these situations, industrial suppliers and nickel level titration calcuations should be sought.

How to electroplating nickel: Simple DIY Tutorial - Dr. Galva

Electroplated nickel plating is a simple and inexpensive way to protect metal parts quickly and efficiently. In our DIY tutorial you will learn everything you need to know to nickel plate your metal parts yourself. Learn how to protect and lend your projects quickly and effectively! Nothing beats the satisfaction of successfully completing your own project. So, what are you waiting for? Let's go!

Why electroplating?

If you're wondering why electro-nickel plating is a good option, there are a few reasons. Firstly, the process offers high corrosion resistance, which means that the nickel-plated object will last longer and be less susceptible to rust and similar damage. In addition, the process gives the object a shiny and uniform surface that is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also offers better conductivity. Electro-nickel plating can also help make the object more resistant to wear and abrasion, which is particularly useful if it is going to be subjected to regular wear and tear. Overall, electroless nickel plating offers a variety of benefits that make it an attractive option for those looking to protect and enhance their objects.

What is electroplating and how does it work?

Electroplating is a process in which a layer of metal is applied to another material. It is a common method of protecting metal parts or giving them a decorative appearance. The process of electroplating is done by electrolysis, where an electric current is passed through a solution containing the metal to be applied to the material to be plated. The material to be plated is called the cathode, while the metal to be applied is called the anode. When the current flows through the solution, metal ions are released from the anode and deposited onto the cathode, creating a permanent metal layer. The thickness of the layer depends on the duration of the process. Electroplating can be used on a variety of materials including steel, copper, brass and aluminium. It is a cheap and easy way to protect metal parts or give them a decorative look.

What tools do I need for a DIY project?

If you want to do a DIY project, it is important to have the right tools at hand. For electroplating you will need some special tools that will help you to complete the project successfully. First of all, you will need a power source such as a battery or a power supply. You will also need an electrolyte to deposit the nickel onto the metal. A nickel anode and a cathode material are also necessary. You will also need a suitable cleaning agent to clean the metal before nickel plating. A sandpaper or wire brush can also be helpful to prepare the metal. Don't forget to wear protective gloves and goggles to protect yourself from injury. With these tools and a little practice, you can successfully nickel plate your DIY project.

Step-by-step guide to electro nickel plating

To electroplating you will need some special materials and tools. First, you need to thoroughly clean and degrease the parts to be nickel-plated to ensure that the nickel coating adheres well. Then you need to prepare a nickel bath solution and place it in a suitable container. Next you need to connect a power source and immerse the parts to be nickel-plated in the solution as a cathode. The anode rod should be immersed in the solution but not come into contact with the parts to be nickel-plated. During the process you must monitor the current and time to ensure that the desired thickness of nickel plating is achieved. When the process is complete, the parts must be thoroughly rinsed and dried. It is important to follow all safety precautions and wear appropriate protective equipment to avoid injury. With these step-by-step instructions, you can now successfully make your own electro-nickel plated parts.

Tips and tricks to achieve the best possible result

To get the best possible result from electroplating, there are a few tips and tricks you should follow. First of all, it is important that you have all the necessary materials and tools ready before you start the process. Careful preparation is the key to success. You should also make sure that the surface to be nickel-plated is thoroughly cleaned and degreased to ensure optimal adhesion of the nickel coating. An even current supply and an appropriate duration of the electroplating bath are also crucial for a perfect result. If you follow these tips and tricks, you are sure to get a great result and take your DIY projects to a new level.

Application of galvanic nickel plating

If you're wondering what electroless nickel plating is used for, you've come to the right place. Electroplated nickel plating is a method of coating metal objects with a thin layer of nickel. This layer protects the metal from corrosion and gives it a shiny surface. Electroplated nickel plating is used in many areas, such as the electronics industry, the automotive industry and jewellery manufacturing. It is an inexpensive method to refine metal objects and protect them from external influences. With our DIY tutorial, you can easily do galvanic nickel plating at home and finish your own metal objects.

Important things to keep in mind when electroplating

If you have decided to electro nickel plating, there are a few important things to keep in mind to get the best results. First of all, it is important that the object to be nickel plated is clean and free from oil, grease and other contaminants. Thorough cleaning with a suitable cleaning agent is therefore essential. You should also make sure that the current intensity and the duration of the electroplating process are adapted to the material and size of the object to be nickel-plated. Too high a current or too long a plating time can lead to undesirable results. Finally, you should also make sure that you follow all the necessary safety precautions to avoid injury or damage. However, with these important tips and a little practice, you can successfully electroplate nickel and give your objects a long-lasting and attractive nickel coating.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of electroplating?

If you decide to electroplating nickel, there are some advantages and disadvantages that you should consider. The biggest advantage is the protective function that nickel plating offers. Electroplating protects the base metal from corrosion and wear. In addition, nickel plating can improve the appearance of the object and give it a shiny look. However, there are also some disadvantages. For one thing, nickel plating can be expensive, especially if it is done by a professional. For another, it can be difficult to apply an even layer, which can lead to uneven results. Furthermore, nickel plating can cause allergic reactions if the object comes into contact with the skin. Nevertheless, electroplated nickel plating is a popular way to protect and beautify metal objects.

What can be the cost of a DIY project?

If you decide to electroplating nickel, you should be aware that there may be some costs involved. Firstly, you will need a suitable power source, such as a power supply that can be set to the required voltage and current. You will also need a nickel electrolyte solution, which will vary in cost depending on the size of the object to be nickel-plated. Accessories such as anodes, cathodes and connecting cables must also be taken into account. You will also need suitable protective clothing to protect yourself from the chemicals. If you buy all the equipment yourself, it can quickly become expensive. However, there is also the possibility of renting the equipment or hiring it from a DIY shop. It is important to consider in advance whether the cost of the DIY project is worth it and whether you will use the equipment in the future.

Conclusion: Electroplating as an efficient way to protect metal surfaces

When it comes to protecting metal, electroplating is an extremely efficient method. By applying a thin layer of nickel to the metal surface, it is protected from corrosion and abrasion. Nickel plating also gives the metal a shiny and attractive appearance. The best part is that you can easily do nickel plating yourself. With a few basic tools and materials, you can nickel plate your own metal parts to make them last longer and look better. Whether you're a hobbyist or a professional craftsman, nickel plating is definitely a skill worth learning.

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