Electric two-wheelers have transformed the way people move in most Chinese cities. In just ten years, growth in electric two-wheelersa category that includes vehicles ranging from electric bicycles to electric motorcycleshas substantially increased the total number of vehicles in China. Electric bike sales began modestly in the s and started to take off in , when 40,000 were sold. Since then, over 100 million have been sold and now more than 20 million are sold each year. Electric two wheelers, in short, represent the first mass-produced and mass-adopted alternative-fuel vehicles in the history of motorization.
For anyone interested in alternative fuel vehicles, the dramatic success of electric two-wheelers in China merits attention. How did this explosive growth occur? What have the results been? And what is the potential for electric two wheelers to spread elsewhere around the globe? In this article I examine these questions. Electric two-wheelers have filled an important and otherwise underserved niche in the Chinas crowded transportation system. Electric two-wheelers can maneuver through congested streets. They can be charged from traditional wall outlets and often have a removable battery, allowing them to be charged indoors. And they have some of the lowest emissions of any type of motorized transportation. For residents of dense Chinese cities, electric two-wheelers provide a high level of door-to-door mobility at low cost.
Electric two-wheelers have filled an important and otherwise underserved niche in the Chinas crowded transportation system.
But two-wheelers are not without their critics. Regulations on the production and operation of two-wheelers have been in place since , but these rules are only loosely followed. Two-wheelers are getting larger and faster, and as they get bigger, confusion about how to classify them increases. Are they motorcycles? Are they bikes? The increased speed and power of the two-wheelers also raises concerns about safety, and threatens to diminish some of their environmental benefits. The question of how clean two-wheelers are is also a complicated one, because while their tailpipe emissions are low, they nevertheless create emissions in the places where their electricity is generated.
Nor is it entirely clear whether two-wheelers will spread abroad. The popularity of electric two-wheelers in China owes in part to severe restrictions on some competing modes. Whether electric two wheelers would be as popular in the absence of such regulations is an open question.
The Rise of Electric Two-Wheelers
Chinas electric two-wheeler growth has been spurred by two notable policies from the central government. First, in , the government designated certain electric two-wheelers as bicycles. To be considered a bicycle, an electric two-wheeler was required to have a bicycle-style design with functioning pedals, weigh less than 40kg, and have a maximum speed of 20km/h. This classification meant, among other things, that qualifying electric two-wheelers could travel in the bicycle right-of-way, that they did not require licensing and registration, and that users did not need a drivers license. These advantages made motorized travel available to many people who would otherwise be unable to use it. TK Second, many cities severely restricted the ownership and use of gasoline motorcycles in their urban cores. In a nation with crowded roads and restrictions on gasoline motorcycles, it is perhaps not surprising that a low-cost vehicle that ran on electricity and could travel in bicycle rights-of-way became popular.
Early electric two-wheelers were electric bicycles, generally equipped with a small hub motor and battery pack attached to the frame. These bikes operated on some combination of human-power and electric-power. As technology evolved and demand for larger vehicles grew, producers of electric two-wheelers began to ignore the limits on vehicle speed and weight. Regulation was lax, and consumers wanted faster and heavier two-wheelers that mimicked gasoline scooters. Soon these faster and heavier two-wheelers were common.
As technology evolved and demand for larger vehicles grew, producers of electric two-wheelers began to ignore the limits on vehicle speed and weight.
Higher speeds have undeniable benefits to users, but higher speeds can also have costs in the form of safetyboth the safety of users and the safety of the public. Electric scooters have many of the features of traditional gasoline scooters, often including speedometers, turn signals, brake lights, disk brakes, and headlights. These features can potentially make scooters safer than bikes, but the scooters increased speed and weight, which increase the severity of any crash, may counteract any safety benefits from their greater visibility and stopping power. As a result, bicyclists became increasingly concerned about sharing their lanes with larger, more powerful scooters.
In response to the perception that two-wheelers had become unsafe, several cities imposed more stringent regulations, forbidding electric scooters in urban centers while gradually allowing higher speeds and weights in outlying areas. And in December , the central government reiterated its commitment to the 20/40 rule mandating that two wheelers maintain a 20km/hr speed limit and 40kg weight in order to be classified as electric bicycles. Faster and heavier vehicles can still be manufactured, but they are now classified as electric motorcycles, requiring registration and driver licensing. The classification also moves electric scooters out of the bicycle lane. However, the central government continued to allow local governments some latitude in enforcing this new regulation. Therefore, the true impact of this pronouncement may be limited.
Two-Wheelers and Mode Shift
Has the growth in two-wheelers resulted in a significant shift in travel modes? Although Chinas electric two-wheelers are most similar to bicycles and motorcycles, they compete for ridership not just with other two-wheeled vehicles, but also with buses. A series of surveys in several major cities over four years shows the effect of electric two-wheelers on other transportation modes (Figure 1). In Kunming and Shanghai, which both have high quality transit systems, a majority of the people using electric two-wheeler would otherwise be bus riders. In Kunming, over a four-year period, electric bike riders seem to be capturing more of the bus mode share and the overall trend toward motorization is also pushing bicycle ridership down. In Shijiazhuang, users of electric two-wheeler riders would more likely be bicyclists than bus-riders. The share of two-wheeler riders who would otherwise use cars in some form (be it a personal vehicle or taxi) is relatively small but environmentally significant (cars have much higher emissions than electric two-wheelers, as I discuss below, so taking even a small number of them off the road can substantially reduce pollution). In Kunming, the share of electric two-wheeler users who would otherwise use cars has increased from 1 in 6 in to 1 in 4 in .
Environmental Impacts
Part of the consumer appeal of electric two-wheelers is their low cost, and their cost is low in part because they are low-weight and low-power, making them among the most efficient vehicles on the road. The electricity costs of a two-wheeler are about 0.2¢ per kilometer. Battery replacement costs can be higher, about 1¢ per km, depending on battery size and fluctuations in lead prices. By way of comparison, gasoline costs for cars average 8¢ per kilometer and for motorcycles 3¢ per kilometer. The average bus trip also costs 3¢ per kilometer.
The primary factor determining the environmental impact of electric two wheelers is the method used to generate the electricity that powers them.
The low power required to operate electric two wheelers also makes them relatively clean. The primary factor determining the environmental impact of electric two wheelers is the method used to generate the electricity that powers them. Over 80 percent of Chinas electricity generation relies on fossil fuels, mostly coal. However, different regions rely on fossil fuels to different degrees, so the location of a two-wheeler can significantly influence its environmental impact.
Figure 2 shows average emission rates (weighted by total electricity generated in the region) of several pollutants from electric two-wheelers. In general, the provinces with the fewest emissions are in the southwest, which has cleaner hydropower sources of electricity, while the provinces with the highest emissions are in the northeast, where virtually all electricity is generated with coal (Figure 3).
Two-wheelers low emissions, however, are partly countered by their growing use of lead batteries. Over 90 percent of electric bikes in China use a lead battery, and each battery typically contains 10 to 20 kg of lead. Some of the largest electric scooters use even heavier batteries. Mining, producing and even recycling lead batteries can generate substantial pollution. While it is true that almost all motorized vehicles use lead acid batteries, none use them at the rate electric bikes do. Each electric bike requires a replacement battery every twelve to eighteen months, resulting in a tremendous amount of lead released to the environment. Moreover, battery recycling in China is poorly regulated, and generally only captures 70 to 80 percent of the used lead. This low recapture rate is largely due to a burgeoning industry of small, informal recyclers and manufacturers, whose existence is fueled by the popularity of two-wheelers. The high rates of lead emissions not only undermine the environmental advantages of two-wheelers, but also pose health threats to people who live near lead production and recycling facilities. In the past year, a number of high-profile lead poisoning cases have been reported around lead and battery manufacturing facilities throughout China.
Battery recycling in China is poorly regulated, and generally only captures 70 to 80 percent of the used lead.
Nevertheless, electric two-wheelers have some clear environmental advantages when compared to competing motorized modes. Table 1 shows the average emission rates, including vehicle and fuel production emissions, of several vehicles that electric two-wheelers compete with for mode-share. Even compared to a loaded bus (the vehicle most two-wheeler operators would otherwise be using), electric two-wheelers emit less carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), and nitrogen oxides (NOX). However, they emit more particulate matter (PM), sulfur dioxide (SO2) and hydrocarbons (HC) than buses, because they draw power from Chinas coal-based power grid. (And again, because different regions depend more or less heavily on coal, these comparisons can vary by region).
Compared to cars or motorcycles, electric two-wheeler emissions are significantly lower on almost all metrics. The big exception is lead (Pb). Because of their batteries, electric bikes emit far more lead than other modes, often by one or two orders of magnitude. Compared to motorcycles, electric two-wheelers perform very well on all metrics, with the exception of lead and SO2, and cars have higher emissions than two-wheelers in every category except lead. Indeed, for most pollutants the emission rates of cars are one or two orders of magnitude higher than electric two-wheeler emissions.
For example, a new car in Beijing that meets emission standards for particulate matter will emit 0.005 grams per kilogram of particulate, and it will expose nearby residents to 73 parts per million (ppm) of exhaust emissions. For each million grams of particulate matter emitted, in other words, only 73 grams are inhaled. By contrast, an electric two-wheeler in Beijing, with an emission rate of 0.008 g/km (1.6 times higher than the emission rate of gasoline car), will expose the population to only 6 ppm of the total PM2.5 emissions, a mere eight percent of a gasoline cars exposure rate. This implies that the public health impacts of electric two-wheeler emissions could be much lower than the public health impacts of automobiles, although the electric two-wheelers emission rate is higher. The public health impact of electric two-wheelers is even more advantageous when they are compared to diesel cars and buses, which have higher tailpipe emissions and exposure rates.
Local emissions, however, dont tell the whole story. Electric two-wheelers are charged from the grid, so they contribute to pollution from power plants. Most pollutants from tailpipes are emitted in urban areas, and generally inhaled by the urban population. But power plants are frequently in rural areas, and their pollutants might be inhaled primarily by rural residents who live nearby, and who are not responsible for the bulk of the emissions. Thus while electric vehicle emissions and exposure could be lower overall, a large shift to electric vehicles could also shift urban transportation pollution onto rural populations.
Looking Beyond China: A Global Future for Electric Two-Wheelers?
Electric two-wheelers are not nearly as popular outside China, probably because in other countries traditional motorcycles are not as severely restricted. In other Asian countries, electric two-wheelers compete directly with gasoline scooters. Electric two-wheelers in China, however, compete mostly against buses or bicycles. Moreover, because electric two-wheelers in China are slower and lighter than gasoline motorcycles (a result of the government regulations mentioned above), they are not a very viable export product. Electric two-wheelers that China exports to Asian countries like India and Vietnam have difficulty competing with faster gasoline two-wheelers; the combined Indian and Vietnamese market for electric two-wheelers is only one-tenth the size of Chinas. In response, some electric two-wheeler companies have begun marketing vehicles that can compete with gasoline vehicles on price and performance, but some of the initial models were low-quality, and consumers remain wary. However, if fuel prices rise in Asia and electric vehicle technologies mature, electric two-wheelers could become more popular, particularly if governments give them favorable treatment through reduced licensing requirements or sales tax incentives.
Electric two-wheelers in China compete mostly against buses or bicycles.
Absent such interventions, however, it is unclear how popular electric two-wheelers will be outside the unique circumstances of congestion and regulation that characterize Chinese cities. Some electric two-wheelersprimarily electric-assist bicycles with advanced battery technology and performanceare becoming popular in some European and North American cities. These vehicles are designed to travel longer distances and at higher speeds. As a result, they tend to be larger than traditional bicycles, which raises significant questions about their role and place in the transportation system. Nevertheless, electric two-wheelers in Western countries could help overcome many of the challenges associated with traditional bicycles by increasing their range, making difficult terrain more manageable, and reducing rider fatigue. But Western nations, like China, will need to devise and enforce rules defining how two-wheelers can safely travel.
The Chinese electric two-wheeler market has exploded in the last decade. Streets in Chinese cities teem with electric two-wheelers vying for valuable space. The two-wheelers provide a tremendous amount of low-cost mobility, no tailpipe emissions, some of the lowest overall emissions of any motorized mode, and almost no noise. It is tempting to see Chinas experience as a prologue for the mass-adoption of electric two-wheelers in other parts of the world, and two-wheelers could well fill a niche in the West.
The two-wheelers provide a tremendous amount of low-cost mobility, no tailpipe emissions, some of the lowest overall emissions of any motorized mode, and almost no noise.
Yet Chinas experience also shows us the complications that can arise when another set of users is mixed into an already-crowded road system. In response to concerns about safety, the Chinese government has had to reinforce its distinctions between bikes, electric bikes and scooters, and Western countries will also require unique policies to classify electric two-wheelers and integrate them into the existing transportation system. Whether electric two-wheelers will be able to compete in the open market against gasoline two-wheelers also remains uncertain.
Further Readings
Christopher Cherry and Robert Cervero. . Use characteristics and mode choice behavior of electric bike users in China. Transport Policy, 14 (3): 247257.
Christopher Cherry, Jonathan Weinert and Xinmiao Yang. . Comparative environmental impacts of electric bikes in China. Transportation Research Part D, 14 (5): 281290
Future Electric Vehicles contains other products and information you need, so please check it out.
Christopher Cherry, Jonathan Weinert, Xinmiao Yang, and Eric Van Gelder. . Electric Bikes in the Peoples Republic of China (PRC)-Impact on the Environment and Prospects for Future Growth. Asian Development Bank. RPT.
Christopher Cherry and Luke Jones. . Electric Two-Wheelers in India and Vietnam-Market Analysis and Environmental Impacts. Asian Development Bank. RPT.
Daniel Sperling and Deborah Gordon. . Two Billion Cars, New York: Oxford University Press.
Jonathan Weinert, Chaktan Ma and Christopher Cherry. . The transition to electric bikes in China: history and key reasons for rapid growth. Transportation, 34 (3): 301318
Jonathan Weinert, Joan Ogden, Daniel Sperling and Andrew Burke. . The future of electric two-wheelers and electric vehicles in China. Energy Policy, 36 (7): .
Amid the surge of low-carbon environmental trends, young consumers are leading a new wave in the electric motorcycle market. High-speed electric motorcycles are rapidly emerging with their electrification, high-end features, and intelligence. Facing a saturated market, traditional electric companies are embracing personalized and entertainment-oriented product innovations, seizing new opportunities brought by economic recovery. The future of electric two-wheel travel calls for innovative forces, offering users a more diverse experience. In the new era of electric motorcycles, electric straddle motorcycles, with their unique riding experience and dynamic appearance, have become a new choice for many motorcycle enthusiasts.
KEMPER is a high-performance electric motorcycle released by YADEA at EICMA . Since its launch, it has garnered widespread attention within the industry.
KEMPER is equipped with a 40 kW mid-mounted motor and an IGBT controller, delivering a wheel torque of 570 N·m and achieving 0-100 km/h acceleration in just 4.9 seconds. The top speed reaches 160 km/h. The bike also features automotive-grade DC fast charging technology, which can charge the battery to 80% in just 10 minutes, and provides both Type 2 and CCS Combo 2 electric vehicle charging connectors, significantly enhancing charging convenience.
In terms of configuration, KEMPER is equipped with Bosch dual-channel ABS+TCS system, Brembo calipers, and KYB shock absorbers, bringing an exceptional riding experience and ultimate safety guarantee for the rider.
KEMPER RC is an advanced version of the KEMPER electric commuter motorcycle unveiled by YADEA at the EICMA. Compared to KEMPER, the KEMPER RC features a more sporty and aggressive design. Its fully faired body and futuristic design style endow the bike with higher performance and a more sci-fi appearance. However, YADEA did not disclose detailed parameters of this model at the show, leaving us eagerly awaiting more updates at this years EICMA.
TAILGs TL6 electric motorcycle made its debut at the Milan Motorcycle Show. The bike is equipped with a 6 kW mid-mounted motor, achieving a top speed of 100 km/h and a maximum range of 80 km. Thanks to the automotive-grade rotational position sensor ATS, the TL6 performs excellently in handling. Additionally, the TL6 features racing-grade braking components, including the four-piston large-diameter radial calipers commonly seen in traditional fuel motorcycles, significantly enhancing braking performance and ensuring a safer, more reliable riding experience.
TAILG positions the TL6 as a versatile tool for exploring freedom in both urban and rural areas. It comes with a single 72V 58Ah battery and front and rear disc brakes. The TL6 also includes a USB charging port and supports GPS positioning, alarms, and smart unlocking through an app, providing a convenient smart experience. The TL6s design features turtle back tires, an inverted front fork, and a high ground clearance, showcasing its light off-road capabilities, making it suitable not only for city riding but also for some off-road conditions.
NIU RQi first appeared at the CES in Las Vegas and was officially released earlier this year. The bike entered the European market in the first quarter of , available in gray, green, red, and blue, priced at 7,999 Euros.
RQi is equipped with an 18kW mid-mounted motor, delivering a maximum torque of 450Nm and a maximum horsepower of 24.5hp. The bike supports an overboost launch function, achieving 0-50km/h acceleration in just 2.9 seconds. Its 72V high-energy dual battery system has a capacity of 72Ah (72V 36*2Ah), providing a maximum range of 105km. The top speed reaches 110km/h, with power equivalent to a 125cc fuel motorcycle.
In terms of design, RQi, like the SQi, features a large round headlamp, with sharp and distinct body lines and a cool, aggressive appearance. The bike has a seat height of 825mm and a curb weight of 186kg, giving it the feel of a retro sport street bike enhanced with electric motor and battery. As a high-performance pure electric street sport bike, RQi combines geometric faceted design with a floating gravity shell, showcasing a dual-layer beauty of technology and art.
As a renowned fuel vehicle exporter from Chongqing, BASHAN has aggressively entered the new energy electric motorcycle market with the launch of the BSD electric commuter motorcycle. The bike debuted at the EICMA and the Spring Canton Fair, quickly becoming a shining star in the electric two-wheeler market with its excellent performance and unique design.
BSD is equipped with a 7kW motorMax.power 13kW), delivering a maximum torque of 16.3Nm and a top speed of 130km/h, with a maximum range of 180km. Its body dimensions are ×800×mm, with a smooth and powerful street bike design, perfectly blending modern and classic design elements.
The bike features front and rear disc brake systems, with front wheel specifications of 110/70-17 and rear wheel specifications of 140/70-17, providing excellent grip. Coupled with the Saifu ABS system, the BSD can easily handle various road conditions. Its wheelbase is mm, ensuring stability and flexibility in handling. With a curb weight of only 165kg, the lightweight design allows for a more relaxed and effortless riding experience. The BSD is undoubtedly a highly anticipated electric motorcycle.
MOTA Z3 is an environmentally-friendly electric motorcycle designed for daily commuting, featuring a proprietary dual control system that maximizes power output while effectively reducing battery consumption. Its 72V 35Ah battery pack and 5kW mid-mounted motor combine to provide a maximum range of 120km, a maximum torque of 350Nm, and a top speed of 100km/h. The front wheel specifications are 110/70-17, and the rear wheel specifications are 140/60-17, ensuring stability and grip on various road conditions.
MOTA Z3 offers two gear optionsdrive mode and sport modeto meet different riding needs. Additionally, MOTA Z3 comes with multiple smart features, including nearby automatic unlocking, remote locking via the app, authorization for others to use, and OTA updates for key components, addressing the constantly evolving needs of customers. The design of MOTA Z3 not only focuses on environmental protection and high efficiency but also emphasizes user experience and intelligence, making it an ideal choice for daily commuting.
DIMEN DP-03, with its dynamic and stylish design, has become a vibrant sight on the streets. The model is equipped with a powerful 7kW mid-mounted motor and dual portable 72V 38Ah lithium batteries, achieving a top speed of 110 km/h and a maximum range of 160 km.
In terms of configuration, DP-03 is equipped with CBS , ABS, and TCS , providing comprehensive safety protection for riders. The 17-inch tires paired with dual-cylinder opposing disc brakes and a hydraulic front shock absorber deliver an excellent handling experience, whether navigating city streets or exploring the countryside.
The design of DIMEN DP-03 not only showcases fashion and dynamism but also prioritizes safety and handling performance, making it a highly anticipated electric motorcycle.
The Chinese electric motorcycle market is experiencing unprecedented prosperity. These models, representing the latest technological and design trends, will undoubtedly lead the industrys development in the coming years. Whether youre seeking high performance, intelligence, or daily commuting convenience, these electric motorcycles cater to various consumer needs. If you believe there are other products that represent Chinese electric straddle motorcycles, feel free to leave a comment and join the discussion, sharing your thoughts and experiences!
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