12 Advantages of Aluminium Windows and Doors

27 May.,2024


12 Advantages of Aluminium Windows and Doors

What are the advantages of aluminium windows and doors? It is a material with a thousand resources: durable, resistant, minimal, eco-friendly and capable of providing excellent thermal and acoustic insulation. This post lists all the advantages of aluminium.

Goto Laililai to know more.

Why choose aluminium for window and doors

When trying to figure out how to choose a window or a door, there are many variables to consider: among them, there is undoubtedly the material. Many are undecided between aluminium and PVC: there is no such thing as the perfect material for everyone, but there is certainly the ideal material to meet the needs of individual customers. Aluminium is certainly the material that can meet the greatest number of very different requirements.

METRA Building products are made of aluminium because it is a truly effective material that combines strength, lightness and versatility.

Aluminium guarantees not only an elegant aesthetic appearance and practically eternal durability, but also high performance in terms of thermal and acoustic insulation, as well as high corrosion resistance and virtually non-existent maintenance.

Advantages of aluminium windows and doors

How and, above all, why choose aluminium windows and doors?

The advantages of aluminium are many, making it an excellent material for the production of windows and doors. Here are 10 characteristics of this material that will satisfy every need.

1 &#; Resistance

Aluminium is first and foremost a very solid and resistant material, despite its lightness. This characteristic makes it a particularly suitable metal for building window and door frames: aluminium frames are able to withstand sunlight and the action of the most violent atmospheric agents very well.

Aluminium is also resistant to the signs of time: after years and years, it will be virtually impossible to notice any signs of wear and tear on aluminium frames. Aluminium windows and doors are also extremely resistant to corrosion and oxidation. They are therefore also perfect for use in marine environments, where other types of material might suffer excessively from saltiness.

The solidity and versatility of aluminium make it a suitable material even for large windows: there will be no need for steel reinforcements or other compromises, because aluminium is strong enough to support glazing even much larger than 250 cm in width and/or length.

These large windows can hardly be realised with PVC windows, unless steel reinforcements are inserted, which risks compromising thermal insulation. Furthermore, the continuous expansion of PVC due to temperature differences causes a progressive deterioration of the window itself, which is even more evident with large windows.

2 &#; Durability

Related to strength, one of the greatest advantages of aluminium is its durability: aluminium is a virtually eternal material in itself, which does not deteriorate over time. Wear, signs of time and weathering can do nothing against the high mechanical strength of aluminium, which, decades after decades, remains unchanged as on the first day.

When used in the production of window and doors, it gives them an average lifespan of 50-60 years, compared to about half that (25-30 years) for PVC.

3 &#; Design

As an extremely durable material, aluminium has another great advantage: the possibility of making windows with a very slim, minimalist and elegant frame.

Lightness and essentiality are the first words that come to mind when thinking of aluminium and, indeed, this material is perfect for those who want windows with a slim, clean design. A design that lends itself well to the most modern homes, but also to industrial style or any home that wants to display a strong character.

4 &#; Brightness

The strength and minimalist design of aluminium also make it the only material really suitable for all-glass windows or curtain walls, where the frame is reduced to a minimum for a truly refined and modern aesthetic impact.

With overall dimensions that hardly exceed 63 millimetres, aluminium frames give the environment a brightness that no other type of window can guarantee.

Aluminium is therefore the ideal material for two opposing situations: for those who have large spaces and want large windows without mullions, but also for those who have small windows and want to recover every single millimetre in order to receive more sunlight.

5 &#; Thermal insulation and energy saving

Windows and doors must also be able to guarantee outstanding thermal insulation to be truly effective. In fact, thanks to thermal break technology, aluminium guarantees absolutely satisfactory performance also in terms of insulation.

The &#;thermal break&#; is a highly insulating material of the latest generation &#; generally polyamide &#; that is inserted inside the window frame, thus allowing non-conductivity of the temperature between the outside and inside. This means that the cold temperature outside will not contaminate the warm temperature inside the house (and the other way around), and the annoying condensation on the window pane will not occur. Eliminating the problem of condensation also eliminates the possibility of mould forming on the windows, which greatly improves the overall healthiness of the house.

METRA Building aluminium windows and doors are equipped with HES (High Energy Saving) technology, which guarantees maximum performance in terms of thermal insulation. As the name suggests, the advantage of HES technology lies in energy saving: by insulating the internal temperature from the external temperature in an excellent manner, the costs of heating the house in winter and cooling it in summer can be considerably reduced.

6 &#; Sound insulation

Another function that a window frame must be able to perform well is sound insulation: when we work or rest, we do not want to be disturbed by outside noise.

Combined with the high quality of the aluminium material, modern thermal break technology also guarantees impeccable sound insulation. In this case, however, it must be remembered that the window frame alone is not enough to achieve a perfectly acoustically insulated house: other measures such as double or triple glazing and, above all, the installation of the frames by a professional will also be needed.

7 &#; Security

When it comes to security, many elements contribute to a window frame&#;s ability to resist break-ins. When combined with quality glazing and hardware, aluminium windows and doors are definitely secure against any break-in attempts: light but solid and strong, aluminium is a metal that is difficult to damage.

METRA Building aluminium windows and doors are also equipped with a perimeter burglar alarm predisposition and RC2 and RC3 class burglar-proof systems to ensure a peaceful night&#;s sleep and a feeling of profound security inside your home.

8 &#; Fire resistance

Unluckily exposed to fire, materials such as wood and PVC can be irreversibly damaged.

The advantage of aluminium windows and doors in this case is the material itself, which is a non-combustible metal, classified as fire class A1. This means that aluminium does not contribute to the spread of fire, nor does it release any harmful emissions when exposed to high heat sources.

9 &#; Eco-sustainability

Contact us to discuss your requirements of aluminium door accessories. Our experienced sales team can help you identify the options that best suit your needs.

In the 21st century, it is normal and legitimate for people to care about environmental and sustainability issues. Among the advantages of aluminium is this: it is a naturally available material that is 100% recyclable, an infinite number of times.

Unlike PVC, a thermoplastic material whose quality decreases as it is recycled, the positive characteristics of aluminium remain unchanged even when it is recycled tens or hundreds of times. The most positive aspect of this extraordinary circular economy is that, while maintaining high performance, the cost of aluminium drops as it is recycled.

Moreover, aluminium is a completely environmentally friendly material because it is not harmful to the environment and does not release any toxic substances. Aluminium can therefore be considered a true green material, even when energy costs and production procedures are considered.

10 &#; Customisation

In addition to being light and strong, aluminium is also a very ductile material: it can be cut and bent in many different ways to suit the needs of any customer.

But the real customisation of aluminium frames emerges in the vast range of colours and shades from which you can choose. In fact, by means of painting and oxidation, all you have to do is indicate your preferred colour and the aluminium window frame will be just as it was imagined, with even the possibility of choosing two different colours for the outside and inside of the frame. This is an enormous advantage of aluminium, which allows any aesthetic and architectural requirements to be met.

11 &#; Practicality

Another advantage of aluminium that will be of great interest to those involved in the daily cleaning and maintenance of the home: aluminium windows and doors need absolutely no special cleaning or maintenance procedures.

Just clean it in the same way as you clean all other surfaces in the home: a soft cloth, water, and if desired a neutral detergent.

Aluminium is a strong and durable material by nature, which makes it extremely practical in everyday life.

12 &#; Accessibility

The last of the advantages of aluminium is for those who have to solve accessibility issues and know how wooden or PVC casement door thresholds can cause problems for walking or wheelchair access.

Thanks to the thin thickness of the material, aluminium casement doors have low thresholds that reduce obstacles to a minimum, breaking down any architectural barriers and making movement much easier for everyone.

Choosing aluminium window frames

The cost and choice of windows and doors have a great influence on the construction or renovation of a house, so it is important to assess well all the characteristics of the chosen material.

As windows and doors are not elements that are usually replaced after a few years, it is good that the material they are made of does not give problems, resists the passage of time well and provides high performance from a technical and aesthetic point of view.

As we have seen, aluminium is able to fulfil all these basic requirements for window frames. Moreover, it is the preferred window material of those who desire a modern, up-to-date home: elegant, essential, and able to let as much sunlight as possible into the home. The design of aluminium window frames, therefore, is one of the great advantages that must be considered.

In a nutshell, all the advantages of aluminium make it an ideal material for window frames, especially if you want a refined design and large, light-filled windows, as well as light, durable and practically indestructible frames.

6 Advantages of using aluminium doors and windows!

If you are constructing your dream home, you&#;re probably looking to make it as perfect as possible. After all, it&#;s not every day that you remodel your house, right? Each element that you select for your new home must be picked only after careful consideration. Aluminium windows and doors are one such element that can truly transform a regular space into a wonderful, modern home. 

Aluminium windows and doors are ideal for modern housing as they encapsulate all the markers of contemporary decor &#; clean lines, plenty of use of glass, and a minimalist aesthetic. If you&#;ve been bookmarking beautiful homes on Pinterest and Instagram and wish your home would look similar, then picking aluminium windows and doors is a great start! 

Before we get into the numerous advantages of using aluminium windows and doors, let&#;s first understand what they are. 

What are Aluminium windows and doors?

As the name suggests, Aluminium windows and doors are made of aluminium, which means that the frame itself will be made of this metal. Typically, these doors have glass in the middle instead of plywood or any other material, which is why aluminium windows and doors have become so popular. 

For people living in crowded cities that have grown into glorified urban jungles, sunlight and a glimpse of nature are both indispensables. Of course, as working professionals, everyone cannot find the time to go out on a hike regularly to enjoy nature. A more practical solution for homeowners is to install aluminium windows and doors in their homes to enjoy natural light and views of any greenery in their neighbourhood.

What are the advantages of using aluminium doors and windows?

Aluminium windows and doors offer a broad range of benefits, explaining why they have grown so much in popularity. Here are some reasons why you should get aluminium windows and doors in your home:

  1. They are cost effective!

    As Indians, we are all united by our love for one thing &#; a great bargain! After all, why should you spend more when you can spend way less? Aluminium windows and doors are considerably cheaper than using timber in your home. As a result, installing such windows and doors in your home can help you save money.

    As our homes are often constructed to suit our tastes, we require a fair bit of customisation when building anything. In such cases, the cost of building and installing timber doors or windows can be higher. As aluminium is a material that lends itself to customisation quite easily, you can expect the quotes for aluminium windows and doors to be much lesser. 

  2. They are more durable!

    When you&#;re spending your hard-earned money to build your dream home, the last thing you want is for different elements of your home to break down within a few years. Timber is quite susceptible to swelling during the monsoon season and can often rot due to termites. Aluminium combats both the rainy season and hungry termites quite effectively.

    Another factor to consider is that Aluminium windows and doors are not susceptible to corrosion and rust like most other metals. This is why they are the perfect material for those building their home. 

    As far as durability goes, there&#;s another point to keep in mind. Aluminium windows and doors are more structurally sound, which means there&#;s a level of safety that&#;s guaranteed when you use these frames. 

  3. They are easy to clean!

    Home maintenance is a massive part of a homeowner&#;s chores list. There&#;s the regular coat of paint to prevent your home from looking shabby, the occasional fixing of cabinets and cupboards, and making sure your plants always look lush and green. So, why not take one task off that list for good?

    Aluminium windows and doors are effortless to clean, which means that they do not require the level of maintenance that other types of doors do. All you need to do is clean them once or twice a year, and you&#;re good to go. Aluminium windows and doors only require a little bit of soapy water to make them as good as new, so don&#;t worry about getting specialist cleaning equipment.

  4. They can be energy-efficient!

    Did you know that you save money when you use aluminium windows and doors? Based on the type of energy-efficient glass you use, you can make sure that there&#;s less heat coming into your home. As a result, you don&#;t have to use the air conditioning as heavily as you may have to do in a home that gets heated up quickly. So, you should be able to save money on your electricity bills. 

    Frames made of aluminium also help with insulation, which can also prevent your home from heating up or succumbing to cold droughts. 

    Aluminium windows and doors are also eco-friendly as they can be recycled. As a result, you can rest assured that you&#;re not increasing your carbon footprint unnecessarily.


  6. They look great!

    Finally, let&#;s talk about a factor that probably means the most to you as the homeowner &#; the aesthetic. Aluminium windows and doors can make your home look very chic and modern. As the frames are typically quite sleek, they should also help smaller spaces look less cluttered. 

    One of the most significant advantages of Aluminium windows and doors is that they can be used to fit any style of door or window, such as sliding doors, casement windows, picture windows, and so on. As a result, no matter what style fits your interiors the most, aluminium windows and doors will be able to align well with your vision. 

    Look at our catalogue to see the different designs and colours you can choose from when building your home. 

  7. They do not get damaged by fire!

    Fire can be deadly, and it spreads even faster when there are many flammable materials in its vicinity. No one wants their possessions to be harmed by an accidental fire, which is why choosing materials that are fire-resistant makes a lot of sense. If you install Aluminium windows and doors, you can prevent your home from suffering more damage than it needs to should an unfortunate incident occur. 

    On a similar note, Aluminium windows and doors also do not get damaged by water. If you are planning to install an aluminium door leading to your balcony filled with plants or live in an area that sees frequent rain, you don&#;t have to worry about water damage at all. Our doors are specially treated to ensure that natural elements do not damage them. 

Where can you get high-quality Aluminium windows and doors?

At AIS Windows, we offer an incredible range of aluminium doors and windows that are appropriate for residential and commercial use. Our teams of designers can help you when it comes to selecting the perfect aluminium windows and doors for your home so that you never feel overwhelmed when picking one. With years of experience under their belt, our expert professionals can install your doors and windows within set deadlines to ensure that there are no delays in the construction of your home. 

To know more about our stunning collection of Aluminium windows and doors, all you need to do is get in touch with us today!

If you want to learn more, please visit our website single roller for door.