What is Laminated Glass and is it safe?? - Aquarium World

28 Nov.,2024


What is Laminated Glass and is it safe?? - Aquarium World

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With competitive price and timely delivery, Northglass sincerely hope to be your supplier and partner.

Toughend laminated glass instead of floatglass.. need help

Hey guys/girls

im going to start my plywood build soon and im lost atm on what kind of thickness / type of glass i should get for my front window after reading information on several websites...

tank dimensions
Length: 78.74"
width: 78.74"
height: 59.06"

After running the dimension on the glass calculation it tells me to get 38mm floatglass wich costs approx euro for 1 panel, vendors tell me 38mm doesnt get used much so i would need to wait for more orders before the factory will produce that thickness.

After googling a bit ive read that "12.12.4 toughened laminated glass"(25.52mm thick , 12mm toughend glass , 4 layers of 0.38mm transparent foil and 12mm toughend glass) and has the same strenght as the 38mm float glass and only costs about 680 euro.

Now is my question if someone has experience with toughened laminated glass as the front aquarium window.
he or she could give me advice, or just go with the floatglass instead because it is proven to work.

thanks in advance


The company is the world’s best laminated glass aquarium supplier. We are your one-stop shop for all needs. Our staff are highly-specialized and will help you find the product you need.


Want more information on toughened float glass? Feel free to contact us.