What Are Recycled Plastic Pellets Actually Used For

19 Aug.,2024


What Are Recycled Plastic Pellets Actually Used For

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Human population growth has never been higher, and the complex environmental problems caused by this are starting to take effect. Plastics make up a significant fraction of solid waste production worldwide. These plastics are most often recycled by producing intermediary pellets for further processing. Plastic has largely replaced cardboard and glass, in almost all industries. The sheer volume of plastics produced each year makes plastic recycling one of the highest priorities in environmental management. Plastic pellets provide a standardized recycled plastics.

What is plastic recycling?

Plastic recycling refers to any method of recovering waste or scrap plastic out of otherwise wasted waste streams. The overwhelming majority of plastics are non-biodegradable. This means that any plastics that do work their way into landfills will remain there for time on the scale of thousands of years. Much plastic works its way into the ocean through various routes. It&#;s estimated that nearly 8 million tons of plastic is added to the ocean every year. This plastic can be ingested by a variety of marine animals, often leading to their death. Recycling helps reduce plastic in the ocean.

Why make plastic pellets?

Pelletizing plastic is one of the most common methods of implementing a standardized and efficient plastic recycling process. Recycling operations can be unwieldy and complex. There are many stages of sorting that are required. Getting the plastic from waste to a feedstock for new production is a major challenge. Most production requires plastic to be of a uniform composition and size to be used as a feedstock. Producing pellets from waste plastic provides this. Note that rather than each factory having to handle raw plastics, it&#;s a single facility produces the pellets and sells them.

The uses of plastic pellets

The pellets of plastic are used in a wide variety of industries. One of the most common uses is the production of new plastic bottles. These bottles make up a substantial portion of plastic produced and are among the most commonly recycled plastic items. The pellets provide the required uniformity of composition required for the manufacturing process. The pellets are used in the manufacture of many other products that would otherwise require new plastic. Items such as plastic bags and industrial plastic wraps are also commonly produced using pelletized feed stocks.

Factors to consider in pellet production

One of the most significant challenges in plastic recycling is that there are several different types of plastic that are widely used. These different plastics need to be separated, if they are going to be used as raw material for new plastic item production. The different types have varying properties that make them more or less suitable for certain applications. It is not only the specific type of plastic that needs to be taken into account. Pellets also very in their color, typically being either mixed color or transparent. The density of the pellets is also a factor that affects production.

Polyethylene pellets

Polyethylene is one type of plastic that is commonly recycled through the intermediary production of pellets. This plastic is commonly used in the production of wraps, bags, and some plastic piping. Polyethylene pellets are produced in low, medium, and high density pellets. The varying densities are suited to a wide range of applications. Polyethylene terephthalate, or PET, is another commonly used and recycled plastic. It was widely used in the production of plastic soda bottles and other similar plastic packaging in other industries.

Polypropylene pellets

Another plastic that is widely recycled is polypropylene. This plastic is used in the production of bottle caps, and this is why bottle caps must always be removed before recycling bottles. Bottle caps are a major source for the production polypropylene pellets. The plastic is known for being malleable and light. It is often used in the production of the plastic components of cars, such as bumpers and dashboards. It is easily extruded or molded, meaning it can be used to produce a wide variety of products in multiple industries.

Other common plastics

While polyethylene, polyethylene terephthalate, and polypropylene make up the majority of recycled plastics, there are other plastics that still take a sizeable share of the recycling market. Polystyrene is the plastic used in the production of Styrofoam. While Styrofoam itself is not recyclable, it is only one form in which polystyrene is used. Other forms can be and are recycled, such as disposable plates and cutlery. Polyvinyl chloride is another recyclable plastic, best known as PVC. It is widely used in the production of piping, and also sees use in flooring and construction.

Bulk pellets

The production of pellets of a certain type, density, and color of plastic is one of the most effective methods of recycling plastic waste. Another method is the production of pellets of bulk plastic. These pellets contain a variety of different types of plastics and are commonly produced from plastic waste that can&#;t be reasonably sorted. These pellets are often used as a type of fill in certain applications where the only requirement is a reasonably stable bulk material. Often plastic lumber substitutes are produced from these pellets, as the chemical properties are less important.

Plastic aggregates

The pellets also have potential for use as an aggregate in various concrete applications. Aggregates refer to the bulk material that the cement of concrete binds together. Typically these are some form of rocks, gravel, or sand. Most plastics are somewhat reactive to heat, which limits the possible applications in concrete production. There are still many cases where they can be used as a concrete aggregate. With further development the use of recycled plastics pellets of aggregates could become a viable final disposal for low quality plastic waste streams.

Looking forward

Pelletized plastics make up an important part of the overall plastic recycling process. The use of the pellets provides an elegant solution to the many problems posed in the recycling of such a complex waste source. Many common everyday objects have been manufactured using these pellets as their raw materials. As plastic recycling has continued to grow so has the number of applications of plastic pellets. It&#;s likely that with the growing production of the pellets from plastic waste sources, even more production methods will arise to take advantage of pelletized plastics.

Recycled plastic granules

What are the advantages of plastic granulates ?

Plastic granulates have several advantages, including their light weight, corrosion resistance and low production cost. They are also easy to mold and can be used in a variety of applications, such as manufacturing automotive parts, packaging and children&#;s toys.

Plastic granulates have better uniformity and greater dosing accuracy than other forms of raw materials. This improves the quality and reproducibility of finished products.


The homogenization process

Want more information on recycled abs plastic granules for sale? Feel free to contact us.

Homogenization is a necessary process for the reuse of material. Indeed, recycled plastics often come from different sources and can have different properties in terms of density, viscosity, color, strength, etc. These differences can affect the quality of the granulates produced if the plastics are not properly mixed before the extrusion phase.

The homogenization process can be carried out in different ways:manual or mechanical mixing, in which the recycled plastics are agitated or stirred to ensure homogeneous mixing.

Homogenization is a key step to produce high quality pellets from recycled plastics. It guarantees a uniform composition and constant quality of the granules produced.


The stages of plastic regeneration

Plastic regeneration, also called extrusion or granulation, is a recycling process that involves cleaning, melting and re-molding waste plastic into new raw materials. This recycling process recovers plastic and produces high-end recycled plastic granules.

The plastic regeneration process can be carried out in factories specializing in plastic recycling. This step is possible thanks to equipment such as crushers, extruders and granulators to transform plastic waste into quality granules.

The stages of regeneration:

  1. Preparation of raw materials: Raw materials, which can be polymers, additives and pigments, are mixed in precise proportions.

  2. Melting: Materials are fed into an extruder, which passes them through a high-temperature melting zone. This melting zone softens the polymers and blends them with the additives.

  3. Extrusion: The molten mixture is then pushed through a die to form a continuous shape of molten plastic.

  4. Filtering: The extruder pushes the liquid material through a filter of a few hundred microns to eliminate residues.
  5. Cooling: The continuous form is then rapidly cooled using a water cooling system. This solidifies the plastic and makes it brittle.

  6. Cutting: The solid, brittle form is then cut into small pieces called plastic pellets using a special machine called a granulator.

  7. Storage: The plastic pellets are then stored in bags or containers for later use.

There are other methods to make plastic pellets, such as wet granulation, compression granulation, pressure granulation, etc. But the extrusion process is the most common and widely used in the plastic industry.


Packaging and storage of plastic granules

For the packaging and storage of plastic granules, it is recommended to use big bags, as well as metal or hard plastic containers. It is also important to store the pellets in a dry, cool place and away from direct sunlight to avoid any risk of moisture or degradation.


Industrial handling of plastic granules

Plastic granules are commonly found in the plastics industry, in extrusion and injection processes. The shape thus obtained is easy to store and handle in various industrial operations: filling, emptying, mixing, etc.

Certain plastic granules (Polyamide or PA, Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene or ABS, Polybutylene terephthalate or PBT, Polymethyl methacrylate or PMMA, etc.) are hygroscopic and must, therefore, undergo pre-drying before handling in order to avoid any related problems to humidity.


If you want to learn more, please visit our website Is PCR Plastic Recyclable.