What Are Curtainside Trailers?

02 Jul.,2024


What Are Curtainside Trailers?

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A combination of a flatbed truck and a dry van, curtainside trailers take the best features of those trailer types and combine them, making for an easy-to-load yet protected trailer. Also known as a curtain van, curtainside trailers can be loaded just like any other flatbed trailer.

However, curtainside trailers come with the added protection of a ceiling, a front wall and double doors located in the rear. Keep reading to learn about how and when you should use a curtainside trailer, as well as the advantages of opting for this type of trailer in the first place. 

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How Do Curtainside Trailers Work?

Curtainside trailers are flatbed trailers that have a front wall, open sides, rear swing doors and a ceiling. They have some of the same benefits as dry vans. For instance, with swing doors, a curtainside trailer can be dock-loaded just like a dry van. 

Inversely, because curtainside trailers have open or soft sides, these trailers can be side-loaded like most flatbeds. The open sides of a curtainside trailer become soft sides when their PVC curtains are dropped and clipped into place, which creates a shielded barrier around the cargo. 

Not to be confused with Conestoga trailers, curtainside trailers do not have structured sides for the tarp. Rather, they have a PVC curtain system that rolls down the side to clip and lock the curtains instead. 

What is the Difference Between Conestoga and a Curtainside Trailer?

While the sides of a curtainside trailer are open, the sides of Conestoga trailers are framed. The tarp-on-frame system that Conestoga trailers have contrast with the open sides of a curtainside trailer.

Though Conestoga trailers have less width than curtainside trailers, they are generally taller, allowing you to haul taller freight. Another major difference between Conestoga trailers and curtainside trailers are weight and mobility of each style. 

Since Conestoga trailers are made from an accordion-style framing system, the roof and the sides can expand from front to back. On the other hand, curtainside trailers have a fully immobile frame, hard roof, retractable soft sides and divider in the middle for support.

Why Do Curtainside Trailers Have Soft Sides?

The soft sides of a curtainside trailer are retractable coverings that protect loads. Without these aerodynamic coverings, freight would only be protected from the top by the hard roof. 

Are Curtainside Trailers and Curtain Vans the Same Thing?

Curtainside trailers and curtain vans are two words for the same thing. 

What Are Curtainside Trailers Used For?

A curtainside trailer&#;s layout maximizes easy access to freight while allowing you to haul a wide array of freight. With the flexibility of a flatbed base and the protective nature of a dry van, curtainside trailers work for an array of haul types.

Here are some of the things curtainside trailers are used for: 

  • Hauls that require both docked and side loading 
  • Multi-site deliveries 
  • Lumber, iron, pallets, cylinders, pipes and building materials 
  • Light-sensitive materials 
  • Materials easily affected by moisture or other weather-related elements 

Example of Using a Curtainside Trailer

Here is an example of a situation where you might want to use a curtainside trailer. Let&#;s say you have been scheduled for a set of multi-site deliveries, but first, you have to pick up your loads. 

Your first set of freight is made up of a few pallets. Since pallets are being used, dock loading is preferred. The second load is a bulky material, but the shipper doesn&#;t have a loading dock, so sideloading with a forklift will work well. 

Now that you have your loads, it&#;s time to drop them off. Though the first pickup was loaded via dock loading, the freight was placed in the front of your truck. This is fine because the delivery site has forklifts that are ready to use. 

Your final delivery site ends up being a big box retailer, and they have a dock ready to receive the load. Once the paperwork is filled out and the truck is unloaded, you can move on without having to shift loads around. 

Things To Consider With Curtainside Trailers

Though curtainside trailers offer great accessibility and weather protection, there are still factors you need to consider when deciding if a curtainside trailer is right for you. 

Maintaining the Curtainside 

The biggest task when maintaining a curtainside trailer is maintaining the curtain itself. Though the curtain might be made from extremely durable PVC material, wear and tear can and will happen with regular use.

When it comes to repairing a tear, a heat gun can fix most holes because curtains are generally made out of PVC-coated polyester. Wear and tear aside, keeping the curtain clean is a time-consuming element of the maintenance process. 

Though the process of curtain cleaning can be a task that you pay someone to perform for you at certain truck stops, you can also do it yourself. If you plan to take on the responsibility on your own, it&#;s recommended that the cleaning is performed in sections of five feet at a time to prevent the solution from drying. 

Weather Considerations

Even though curtainside trailers were created to keep hauls protected from natural elements, curtainside trailers are far more susceptible to wind than their fully enclosed counterparts. Even box trucks have to deal with the wind, but without the extra weight of a full frame and a full load, curtainside trailers have a different center of gravity. 

Wind also plays a crucial part in a trailer&#;s sail area. With the pockets that can be created within a curtainside trailer, the amount of pressure pushing against curtainside trailers is greatly increased. 

Truck Efficiency

A well-made curtainside trailer should protect your hauls just as well as an enclosed trailer can, barring extreme collisions. A major reason for using a curtainside beyond its protective abilities and ease of access is its efficiency. 

Curtainside trailers can haul the same loads as most flatbeds, though curtainside trailers provide the added benefit of weather protection. Without being fully enclosed, this type of trailer create a more aerodynamic situation. Plus, as a leaner trailer type, curtainside trailers result in more efficient vehicles that can carry even more cargo since the vehicle weighs less. 

Advantages of a Curtainside Trailer

Here are some of the best reasons to use a curtainside trailer. 

Dual Loading Systems

With dual swing doors in the back and retractable curtains along the sides, curtainside trailers have two separate loading systems. The dual swing doors allow trucks to dock while being loaded from the back, while the open sides allow the truck to be loaded from the sides. 

First On, Last Off Problem Eliminated

With box trucks and Conestoga trucks, the delivery process almost always adheres to the mantra of first on, last off. With curtainside trucks, this loading and unloading process is eliminated. 

Since a curtainside trailer has open sides, forklifts can load and unload freight from either side at any time. This trailer layout makes it easy to drop off deliveries in any order without requiring you to reorder your truck every time, which would be rather time-consuming. 

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No Tarp Needed, Less Time

Since curtainside trailers have a hard roof, there is no need to cover freight with tarp.

Disadvantages of Curtainside Trailers

While there are advantages of curtainside trailers, there are also disadvantages. Here are some details to remember as you consider the idea of buying or renting a curtainside trailer.

Height Restrictions

Curtainside trailers have a hard roof, meaning they cannot haul vertically oversized hauls that require flatbed trucks. If you have freight that is overly tall but also needs to be protected from the elements, a Conestoga trailer may be a better option for you.

Lighter than a Box Truck, Heavier than a Framed Truck

Even though curtainside trailers are lighter than boxed trucks, they are heavier than standard flatbeds and Conestoga trailers.

Open Up Your Routes With Curtainside Trailers 

Curtainside trailers expand the types of loads that you can transport. With a lightweight yet durable protective layer, curtainside trailers minimize the amount of time that it would take you to tarp loads on a normal flatbed, while also increasing load safety with a hard roof. Though it&#;s not perfect and there are other options, a curtainside trailer is great for many reasons.

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Comparing a curtain side trailer to flatbed tarp systems

The good news is that flatbed trailers are versatile and adaptable to loads that vary in both size and weight. The bad news? Over 60 percent of flatbed loads require comprehensive tarping. Manually tarping flatbeds is an ergonomic nightmare and a worker's comp attorney&#;s dream. The requirement to heave unwieldy tarps as heavy as 100 pounds while perched precariously atop a flatbed excludes many otherwise competent professional drivers from hauling flatbed jobs. It's also a major turn-off to potential new hires, as well. It is no wonder that curtain side trailers&#;which totally eliminate the need for manual tarping&#;have achieved major market penetration in the U.S. trucking industry, in a relatively short time.

Flatbed tarp systems attempt to make the job of tarping a flatbed more efficient, faster and safer than manual methods. Here are three common systems.

  • Side kits incorporate arching metal bows that extend up and over the bed from side panels, attaching to corresponding panels on the other side. This forms a curved metal structure over the bed, on top of which the tarp can be secured&#;sort of resembling a pioneer covered wagon. A side kit saves time and simplifies tarping. However, the tarp still must be manhandled over the structure by the driver, who must climb onto the trailer and manually push/pull the heavy tarp across the framework. Studies show that effort required imposes substantial strain. Back injuries and rotator cuff injuries are common, as is the hazard of slip/fall injuries.

  • Rolling tarps eliminate the need for a driver to climb up on the trailer. Think of a flatbed trailer covered with a box-like framework supporting a tarp. The tarped framework compresses like an accordion as it is pushed backwards on rollers, allowing access to the bed. After the freight is loaded or unloaded, the tarped frame is pushed forward again, expanding out to a full-length box that covers the entire bed. However, rolling tarps can be difficult to manipulate by one person if the rollers stick due to lack of lubrication, a dirty or damaged roller track or are jammed by ice and snow. Substantial force may be required to push the sliding structure far enough back to load, then all the way forward again.

  • Overhead tarping systems installed at the loading dock or nearby utilize an electric motor to drag the tarp over the entire span of the flatbed front-to-back. The driver secures the bottom edge of the tarp at ground level. This eliminates both strenuous of manual tarping and the danger of climbing up and standing atop freight while doing it. The drawbacks are that many shipping facilities don&#;t invest in overhead tarping systems and, where they do exist, there may be a waiting time to gain access.


The Curtainside Alternative

A curtainside utilizes full-length gliding retractable curtains on both sides of a flatbed trailer, as well as conventional rear doors and a fixed roof. This configuration offers three-side load/unload access like a flatbed and also puts freight anywhere in the trailer within easy reach, at all times. When the curtains are closed and tensioned a curtainside provides optimum protection from the elements like an enclosed van, totally eliminating the need for tarping. For drivers, a curtainside trailer relegates the drudgery and hazards of heaving tarps to the past. For freight companies, the added efficiency of a curtainside opens up more profit opportunities from back-hauls, partial shipments and odd-shaped or oversized freight.
Curtainsides also add versatility to the fleet as a single trailer can instantly morph from flatbed-style access to conventional enclosed van as requirements change from day to day and hour to hour.


Here are a few samples of different types of curtainsiders to see the diversity offered, capability, and the ease of use.







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