Stainless steel is a great alternative to plastic products

13 May.,2024


Stainless steel is a great alternative to plastic products

Description and Typical Use:  

Stainless Steel has been around since the early 20th century and is now used in a myriad of applications around the world ranging from cutlery to the kitchen sink, cookware to cars, scalpels to prosthetic implants, planes, trains, automobiles, and even teeth.  And of course, water bottles and food storage containers -- tiffins too! 

For more information, please visit how much nickel in stainless steel.

Technically, stainless steel is defined as a steel alloy with a minimum of 10.5 % chromium content by mass.  As the name suggests, stainless steel is steel that should stain 'less' and not corrode (i.e., not rust).  It should stain less, but it is not stain-proof.  It is normally thought of as being corrosion-resistant, but given the wide range of grades of stainless steel, that is actually not a very useful defining characteristic, because it is the quality and grade of the stainless steel which determine its strength and corrosion resistance.

The base element in stainless steel is iron (Fe), and to this chromium (Cr) is added, which makes it into a corrosion-resistant alloy, an alloy being a mixture of metals.  A small amount of carbon (C) is often included to increase hardness and strength.  Nickel (Ni) may be added to stabilize the crystalline structure of the iron, and thus increase the integrity at all temperature extremes and to assist with corrosion-resistance.  The crystal structure of iron makes the stainless steel non-magnetic and less brittle at low temperatures.  Other alloying elements such as molybdenum (Mo) or titanium (Ti) may be added to improve heat- and corrosion-resistance properties.

One of the wonderful qualities of stainless steel is that it is self-repairing. The chromium, through a process called passivation, forms an invisible layer over the iron to protect it from air and water. If the surface is scratched, the layer quickly rebuilds itself in the presence of oxygen.  This is why high quality stainless steel will not rust, even if it becomes scratched.

There are literally hundreds of types of stainless steel.  For overviews of the numerous types of stainless steel, and explanations of the classification systems, you may wish to view the tables and other references here. 

Stainless Steel Grades

The stainless steel used to make the large majority of products Life Without Plastic offers is called grade 304, which is a high quality, sanitary, food grade stainless steel used in numerous food, dairy, brewing, hospital and sanitation applications all over the world. 

The grade 304 products we carry are designated as either 18-8 or 18-10.  The '18' refers to the percentage of chromium in the stainless steel, and the '8' or '10' the percentage of nickel.  Both are high quality stainless steels.  The chromium and nickel are what make stainless steel corrosion-resistant, and increase its strength, durability, and, in the case of nickel, also its temperature resistance.

There is no major difference in the mechanical properties – the strength – of 18-8 and 18-10 stainless steels.  The 18-10 'may' be very slightly more ductile (i.e., slightly more able to bend without fracturing) than 18-8, but the difference is so minute as to be completely inconsequential for the purposes of food and drink containers.  And we say 'may' because the overall quality of the stainless steel could also affect the ductility.  So for our purposes, the 18-8 and 18-10 designations are practically irrelevant, though they are still widely used.  One possible advantage of the 18-8 is that the lower nickel content could be an advantage to anyone who has a nickel allergy (see the section below on toxicity) - but here again, quality is an issue because a higher quality stainless steel with more nickel in it, may release less nickel, or none at all, compared to a lower quality stainless steel with less nickel in it.

Stainless steel grades with very little nickel do exist (e.g., grade 430) and cost less, but they are considered lower quality because of their decreased corrosion- and temperature-resistance. Similarly, there are other grades with low nickel content (e.g., grades 201 & 202), in which the nickel is replaced by more manganese.  Manganese (Mn) is significantly less expensive than nickel, but the resulting stainless steel may be slightly more susceptible to corrosion in certain circumstances and may have a slightly inferior surface appearance.  The nickel content also may be increased, creating a slightly higher grade stainless steel.  For example, grades 316 and 317 may have 10-15% nickel content and include molybdenum, the combination of which increases resistance to specific forms of corrosion in extreme environments, such as chloride corrosion. 

The standard composition of grade 304 stainless steel is as follows:





















(Click here for an overview of various compositions of standard stainless steels)

Toxicity: Does stainless steel release anything, and if so, what?

Common food/medical-grade stainless steel (18-8 or 18-10, 304 grade) can release trace amounts of certain elements – but the higher the quality of the stainless steel, the less the leaching.  There are four key possibilities for release from 300 grade stainless steel:  iron (Fe), chromium (Cr), manganese (Mn) and nickel (Ni).

Iron is the base material from which steel is made.  The nickel and chromium are what make stainless steel stainless, corrosion-resistant and durable.  The '18' refers to the percentage of chromium in the stainless steel, and the '8' or '10' the percentage of nickel.

Our bodies need iron to produce red blood cells.  While large amounts can be poisonous, in North America the chances are much greater that we lack iron.  In general, use of stainless steel or cast iron cookware and dishes would provide less than 20% of the total daily iron intake, which is well within safe levels.

Chromium, like iron, can also be positive for human health in small doses. The safe intake range is around 50 to 200 micrograms per day and one meal prepared with stainless steel products might release around 45 micrograms of chromium, which is well within safe levels.  Even eating with stainless steel dishes several times a day is fine, as less chromium is released from just eating off the dishes compared with cooking in them using heat.  Keep in mind that if the stainless steel is of high quality it will be stable and very little if any will be released.  And any releases through normal wear and tear of high quality stainless steel should be miniscule at most.

Please note that stainless steel does not contain hexavalent chromium (VI), which is a highly toxic carcinogen.

Manganese is an essential trace nutrient in all forms of life. The form of manganese used in industrial applications is considered toxic at levels above 500 micrograms. The US Environmental Protection Agency has determined that exposure to manganese in drinking water at concentrations of the equivalent of 1 milligram/litre for up to 10 days is not expected to cause any adverse effects in a child. The uptake of manganese by humans mainly takes place through food, such as spinach, tea and herbs. Other foods containing high concentrations of manganese are grains and rice, soya beans, eggs, nuts, olive oil, green beans and oysters. For more information on manganese, take a look at this US Department of Health and Human Services Manganese Fact Sheet.

Nickel is not toxic in small amounts, but it can provoke a reaction in people allergic to nickel.  An allergic reaction may consist of a metallic taste in the mouth or a skin rash on the hands (eczema) or elsewhere on the body.  Small amounts of nickel can be transferred from stainless steel containers or cookware to foods – especially when the food in question is acidic (e.g., tomatoes, rhubarb). 

The amounts of nickel that may be released from non-corrosive stainless steel products - which all our stainless steel products are - are generally smaller than the amounts one would ingest by eating certain food items such as beef, chocolate, soya beans, oatmeal, nuts & almonds, and fresh & dried legumes, all of which have a relatively high nickel content.  That said, if someone suspects s/he may have an allergy to nickel, we always suggest avoiding all stainless steel completely.  If you suspect you may have an allergy to nickel - or anything, for that matter - the best way to know for sure is to have an allergy test with a health specialist.

For detailed scientific information on nickel, take a look at this comprehensive Environment Canada/Health Canada Asessment Report of Nickel and its Compounds. If you take a look at pages 22 and 24 of this document, it will give you an idea of the amounts of nickel released from different foods, and from stainless steel (last sentence in second paragraph on p. 24).  As well, this US Department of Health and Human Services Nickel Fact Sheet.  Included in the 'References' section of this Fact Sheet is a link to a detailed toxicological profile of nickel (397 pages).  The upshot is that using corrosion-resistant stainless steel will not add a significant amount of nickel to your diet (the average person ingests about 150-200 micrograms of nickel daily) - you'll get much more from nickel-rich foods.  However, as mentioned above, if you suspect you are sensitive to nickel, the best route would be to avoid any contact with nickel, including via stainless steel products.

In summary, there may be minute amounts of the above elements coming out of stainless steel as it goes through normal wear and tear – but such releases are also highly dependent on the quality of the stainless steel.  Our whole business is based on health and safety and the environment.  We source our products only from respected, ethical manufacturers with whom we have a solid trust relationship.  We use our products all the time - as does our 11 year old son - and he is largely why we first started the company.  We wouldn't sell these products if we weren't confident of their high quality and safety.

We think, on balance, that stainless steel is far safer than various plastics, which release endocrine disruptors and other synthetic chemicals.  But of course, it is a personal decision you must make on your own.

Recyclability: Stainless steel and the environment

Stainless steel is one of the most environmentally efficient raw materials available because of its durability and ability to be recycled.

That said, the making of stainless steel is a polluting and energy-intensive process that uses mined metals, such as iron, chromium and nickel. Over the past two decades, improved process technology has enabled manufacturers to decrease significantly the amount of embodied energy required to produce stainless steel. The mined materials used to make the stainless steel may have travelled significant distances to arrive at the manufacturing facility, and then the final product often travels great distances through various supply chains to reach the final consumer.  So there is a significant carbon footprint attached to stainless steel.

Stainless steel products should last an extremely long time under normal usage. Generations. Even once their service life is over or they become irreparably damaged, stainless steel items should never enter the waste stream. Stainless steel is 100% recyclable and can be reused to make new products without loss of any of the original properties, such as tensile strength, ductility and corrosion-resistance. Valuable raw materials like chromium and nickel can be easily separated from the iron and similarly recycled. The scrap material can be used to make brand new products of the highest quality. 

On the average, most stainless steel items are made of approximately 60% recycled material, with 25% of that derived from end-of-life products, and the other 35% from manufacturing processes.  The recycled content is limited only by the amount of scrap steel available.  The global market for scrap stainless steel is active.  As it is a commodity constantly in demand, its recyclability is not just economically viable, but lucrative.  Anything made of stainless steel should never end up in a landfill!  

Our Suggestion: 

We consider stainless steel a safe material for use in everyday life, including for items such as food containers, dishes, cookware, utensils, water bottles and dispensers. If you have a nickel allergy, you may prefer to avoid stainless steel, or try only 200 grade (nickel-free) stainless steel to see if you can use it without any allergy sysmptoms appearing.

We balance the environmental issues associated with stainless steel against those of plastics. Comparatively, plastics break down much faster and in the process may release dangerous synthetic chemicals, including endrocrine disruptors such as bisphenol A (BPA).

Plastic production and manufacturing are extremely polluting and energy-intensive processes.  Most plastics are derived from petroleum, a non-renewable often imported resource with serious issues of its own - environmental, energy, health, global security. 

Plastic waste is an enormous environmental problem that is spurring jurisdictions around the world to ban or tax various forms of plastic packaging. 

The plastics recycling industry and processes are complex and not well understood by the general public.  Far fewer plastics are recycled than people think.  Much plastic waste still ends up in landfills or the environment, including all of the world's oceans. 

An Earth-shaking example of the plastic problem lies in the oceans, literally. Plastic pollution in the Pacific Ocean, for example, has reached epidemic proportions as indicated by the cutting edge, powerful research being carried out by the Calfiornia-based organizations Algalita Marine Research Institute and The 5 Gyres Institute.

Some Stainless Steel Reference Links

British Stainless Steel Association (

International Stainless Steel Forum (

Steel Recycling Institute (

World Steel Association (


IMPORTANT NOTES: While we strive to provide as accurate and balanced information as possible on our website, Life Without Plastic cannot guarantee its accuracy or completness because there is always more research to do, and more up-to-date research studies emerging -- and this is especially the case regarding research on the health and environmental effects of plastics. As indicated in our Terms & Conditions, none of the information presented on this website is intended to be professional advice or to constitute a professional service to the individual reader. All matters regarding health require medical supervision, and the information presented on this website is not intended as a substitute for consulting with your physician.

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Global finished nickel demand grew by around 5 percent in ...

Home / Insights / Global finished nickel demand grew by around 5 percent in 2022

Global finished nickel demand grew by around 5 percent in 2022, driven primarily by an increase in the demand for stainless steel and other nickel-based alloys.  

A major contributor was the electric vehicle (EV) market, where a significant quantity of nickel is used for making batteries. It must, however, be noted that this projection is subject to change based on economic and market conditions. 

That said, the global nickel application is currently segmented into the following categories : 

  • Stainless steel - 69%

  • Batteries - 13% 

  • Alloys and superalloys - 7%

  • Electroplating - 5%

  • Special steels - 5%

  • Others - 1%

Currently, the nickel market is facing a supply deficit, driven by a combination of strong demand and disruptions to supply caused by factors such as weather events and government regulations. It has led to a rise in nickel prices. Additionally, there is a growing focus on sustainable nickel mining practices, which could potentially impact the supply of nickel in the future.

However, as the demand for nickel is closely tied to the growth of the EV market, which is highly dependent on government policies, economic conditions, and technological advancements, it is difficult to predict the future market conditions for nickel with certainty.

The demand for nickel is affected by several factors, including economic growth, industrialization, and technological advancements. An increase in economic growth and industrialization generally leads to increased demand for nickel, as it is used in many industrial and manufacturing processes. Technological advancements, such as the development of electric vehicles and renewable energy sources, also increase the demand for nickel, as it is a key component in the production of batteries and other components.

According to calculations of Beroe, various factors contribute to the growth of the global finished nickel demand to reach 2.9 million tons in the year 2022. 

Some of the key factors responsible for the surge in demand for 2022 - 2023 are :

Increase in demand for stainless steel

Historically, nickel has been in high demand for its use in stainless steel production and various industrial applications. However, the nickel market has also been subject to fluctuations due to changes in supply and demand and economic and political factors. 

The production of stainless steel increased by 10.6% annually to 56.3 million metric tonnes in 2021, according to the International Stainless Steel Forum (ISSF).

Increase in demand for EVs (electric vehicles) 

In recent years, there has been an increase in demand for nickel, particularly for electric vehicle (EV) batteries. The increasing popularity of EVs has led to a rise in demand for nickel, as it is a key component in the batteries used in these vehicles. 

Prospects may arise from the rising demand for electric vehicles and the expanding use of nickel in the medical sector.

However, there is a lot of uncertainty surrounding the forecasted demand for nickel or battery precursors, which is expected to grow at a rate of over 20% per year. This uncertainty is brought on by global inflation and the impact of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Due to the recession, investors have been leaving the metal sector, which has decreased trading activity. The LME does not currently prohibit Russian metal imports. However, a falling U.S. Dollar Index fuels the increase in base metal prices.

Indonesia emerging as a hub for nickel production :

Recent years have seen success in Indonesia by introducing an export restriction, which has increased domestic refined production capability at the expense of Chinese refined manufacturing capabilities. Indonesia surpassed China to become the world's largest producer of refined nickel in 2021.

The world's mining production saw rise from 2.7 million tonnes in 2021 to over 3.0 million tonnes in 2022, with Indonesian production accounting for 90% of this expansion.

As per the category intelligence report published by procurement intelligence SaaS Beroe, the price overview of nickel for the projected period ( 2022-2023) is expected to rise and stabilize in the medium term because opinions are significantly impacted by the global macroeconomic and geopolitical conditions monitored by the global monetary policy. Chinese demand is anticipated to rise because of an increase in EVs now that most smelters have resumed production following maintenance.

In the long run, supply disruption is anticipated with soaring nickel demand from the battery sector in response to soaring EV sales globally. The need for alternate feed has left customers scurrying to fulfill their contractual responsibilities. To meet demand from the manufacturing, oil, gas, and construction industries, nickel prices are anticipated to climb parallel with stainless steel demand. Prices are anticipated to steady as market recovery is anticipated across several sectors.

Supply market dynamics 

Mined nickel production in New Caledonia increased by 50 percent year-on-year in Q1 2022, while the Russian mining production was up 16 percent year-on-year.

Production in the Philippines, however, showed only a marginal improvement against Q1 2021.


  1. What is the current global finished nickel demand?

The current global nickel demand has grown by around five percent in the year 2022 because of the increase in demand for stainless steel. 

According to Beroe, the global finished nickel demand may reach 2.9 million tons in 2022 due to the contribution of various factors like economic growth, technological advancements, industrialization, etc.


  1. What factors are driving the global finished nickel demand?

Some of the factors that are driving the global finished nickel demand are the increase in the demand for stainless steel, which has various industrial applications, a significant increase in the demand for batteries of E.V.s (electric vehicles), which are becoming more popular daily, restriction on export by Indonesia, which has surpassed China in 2021 to become the largest producer of refined nickel in the world.

  1. Which industries are the largest consumers of finished nickel?

The introduction of E.V.s has increased the demand for finished nickel. The consumption of finished nickel has been segmented into different categories:

  • Stainless steel industries use 69 percent of finished nickel

  • Batteries for E.V.s use 13 percent of finished nickel

  • Alloys and superalloys use 7 percent

  • Electroplating industries use 5 percent nickel

  • Special steels and other industries use one percent of finished nickel each


  1. How has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted the global finished nickel demand?

The COVID-19 pandemic had different impacts on different industries. The nickel demand for the stainless steel industries decreased during the pandemic as the production rate was reduced. 

The E.V.s (electric vehicles) became more popular during the pandemic, and as a result, the demand of the E.V. industries for finished nickel demand increased. Overall, the pandemic had a mixed impact on global finished nickel demand.

  1. What are the major sources of finished nickel demand in emerging economies?

The emerging economies require finished nickel in significant amounts as nickel is used in various sectors like stainless steel production, the production of batteries for electric vehicles, transportation, infrastructure development, etc. 

The production of stainless steel consumes the highest percentage of the global finished nickel. The popularity of electric vehicles in recent times has also increased the percentage of finished nickel used in producing E.V. batteries.

  1. Which countries are the largest producers of finished nickel?

Indonesia tops the list of largest producers of finished nickel as it surpassed China in 2021 to be the largest producer of refined nickel. 

The other countries following Indonesia on the list are the Philippines, Russia, New Caledonia, Australia, and Canada. These countries are the largest producers of finished nickel.


  1. How is the supply chain for finished nickel managed?

As new sectors, such as batteries for electric vehicles, require finished nickel, prices are expected to rise. The rise will be parallel to the demand for stainless steel. Owing to the dependencies in multiple domains, the supply chain for finished nickel tends to be managed by every contributing factor of the supply chain. 

  1. What is the outlook for the price of finished nickel in the global market?

According to the category intelligence report published by Beroe Inc, the nickel price is expected to rise in 2022-23. The price is expected to stabilize in the medium term because of the conditions monitored by global monetary policy. 

The demand for nickel is expected to rise in the Chinese market because of the growing popularity of E.V.s. 


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Stainless Steel Suppliers

If you want to learn more, please visit our website monel pipe.