Screen panel mesh size and API difference

06 Aug.,2024


Screen panel mesh size and API difference

Screen panel mesh size here means the opening or holes number in a square inch. We often get inquiries on shaker screen with mesh size indication. What is difference between mesh or API?

Goto Shengjia to know more.

Screen panel mesh size summarize

Screen panel is combination of 2 or 3 layers screen cloth. Commonly, we say mesh size is the opening number of wire mesh in a square inch. But the shaker screen panel is multi-layer screen cloth integration, different manufacturers will make different configuration. Such as Aipu shaker screen is different with M-I SWACO screen composition.

If we say shaker screen sized 80 mesh, it is different with API 80 screen panel. The difference is on the exact cut point or separation point. In the market, especially prior to the internal screen panel size standard pressed, we call &#;mesh&#; as the market grade screen size. That means, 2 producers provide 80 mesh size screen panel but one is API 80 another may be API 60.

Why we change mesh size to API size?

Why we change screen panel mesh size to API? We know API size is the international standard on shaker screen. The edition is API RP13C now. Under this code, we&#;ll get interchangeable and exact cut point requirement during drilling mud process. So, no matter what configuration on different layer screen, the cut point is in same range.

On many manufacturers&#; file of screen mesh size converter we&#;ll find this. Such as Derrick screen HP100, DX140, and DF145 all equal to API 100. The cut point is 137.5~165. So many manufacturers make and mark shaker screen panel mesh size under API requirements

API Shaker screen manufacturer

Thousands of shaker screen manufacturer all over the world provide thousands of screen panel. Shaker screen conformed to API is more and more popular. We do trust the accurate selection of screen panel mesh size will help get better filtration or solid removal result

How can we find API shaker screen manufacturer? From USA, Canada to China. There are many. Such as NOV Brandt, AXIOM, DFE, Aipu solids control and so on. Compared to American and Canadian companies, China manufacturers hold more strength on cost and the cost-efficiency. If you need API shaker screen, please feel free to contact Aipu. You&#;ll also get more information on screen panel you need

Screen mesh size and API size

Shaker screen is the most important parts for shale shaker. Suitable screen size and reliable screen quality can greatly reduce drilling cost. And good design shale shaker can prolong lifetime of shaker screen.

Screen size usually indicated by mesh size or API size. Many clients wonder: what is difference of mesh size and API size? can they convert to each other?

Definition of mesh size:

Contact us to discuss your requirements of Vortex Shaker Screen. Our experienced sales team can help you identify the options that best suit your needs.

Mesh count is the number of opening per inch in directions perpendicular to each other and parallel to the screen wires. For example, a 40-mesh screen would have 40 openings per inch in one direction and 40 openings per inch in a perpendicular direction. In an effort to eliminate calling the screen a &#;40 by 40&#; screen, the common terminology resulted in calling the screen a 40-mesh.

During the &#;s, the throughput volume was increase by making rectangular openings. If the mesh count was 20 opeings in one direction and 40 openings in a perpendicular direction, the screen would be labeled a 20×40 mesh. The marketing ploy, however, was to label the screen with a letter and then the number 60. This implied to many that the screen was a 60-mesh screen.

Although this was not stated explicitly. Rig crews were happy because the &#;fine-mesh&#; screens could handle more flow than a normal square-mesh screen. After rectangular screens became common, shale shaker throughtput was increased again. by mounting one screen on top of another screen instead of using only a single layer, see figure.

This layering created even more of a description problem because the opening were now non-uniform and difficult to describe. In the sketch, one square mesh screen is shown superimposed over another square mesh screen. A variety of opening resulted that cannot be described by a single number.

API size

In an effort to better describe multilayered shaker screens, API issued API RP13.

API is used to identify the largest solid that would pass through each screen (or the smallest solid captured by the screen); this is called D100. Solids smaller than D100 will pass though a D100 screen. Each screen manufacturer have its own D100 count (screen openings microns), but the micro court should among the same scope related a a certain API count. For example: D100: 137.5 ~165.0 equaled to API 100.

See below charge:


For more Swaco Shaker Screen typesinformation, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.