New Mattress - General Mattresses Questions

29 Apr.,2024


New Mattress - General Mattresses Questions

Hi Yomill,

If you want to learn more, please visit our website.

There is only one factory direct manufacturers near you that I’m aware of unfortunately and they don’t make latex mattresses (other than that the nearest one is in Reno) so I did a bit of looking around to see if Las Vegas has any better options than the last time I looked (when I called it a latex mattress desert in post #2 here):). I talked with a few of the more promising options and listed some of the stores that can help you narrow your choices to those that may have either higher quality mattresses and/or better value although you will need to do some additional research and testing of course. Carries Vi Spring, Carpe Diem and Savvy Rest component latex mattresses. These are all high quality mattresses but are also in a higher higher budget range so I would make some careful value comparisons here. They carry and focus mainly on Diamond mattress which is a California wholesale manufacturer which is making some good quality and value mattresses. When I talked to them they didn’t carry any of their latex models (only latex hybrids with latex/polyfoam and latex/innerspring) but they they said that may change in the future. Knowledgeable and good to talk with. Small wholesale manufacturer based in Las Vegas (and the only one I know of in the area) who sells through retail outlets. Makes lower budget promotional mattresses. Was very open about their materials and uses a 13 gauge 312 Bonnell coil and 1.2, 1.5, and higher density foams. Possible good value for a basic inexpensive mattress in their price range (or for a child or a guest bedroom). Included as an option for others who may read this thread… Will tell you who carries them with a phone call if you are in the market for an entry or promotional level mattress. Included as an option for others who may read this thread. They carry and focus mainly on Diamond mattress which is a California wholesale manufacturer who are also making some good quality/value mattresses. They don’t currently carry any of their latex models (only latex hybrids with latex/polyfoam and latex/innerspring) but they will be coming in about a couple of weeks. Knowledgeable and good to talk with. Las Vegas, NV. Also carry Diamond and mainstream mattresses which I would avoid.

About Us | LasVegasFurnitureOnline.Com Floor models limited selection. Carries Stress-O-Pedic and Silver but check to make sure they have them on their showroom floor first if you are interested in testing these because they are mostly online and I would avoid the major brands they also carry.

Bedroom – Genesis Furniture Las Vegas, NV. I’ve talked to them and they carry Kingdom and Englander (no latex but gel memory foam). Make sure that they will provide you with the specs of their mattresses if you visit them, and call ahead to find out their current offerings, as they are not listed on their web site.

Hope this helps


New Mattress - General Mattresses Questions

Hi Nurse79,

I’m sorry to hear that your mattress choice didn’t turn out as well as you hoped for. As you probably know from your reading here two mattresses that would feel similar to some people may not feel similar to others so it’s also good to hear that you had the foresight to purchase a mattress that has a great return policy so that you could test the mattress in your bedroom instead of a showroom with little risk (outside of the time you spent sleeping on it and/or returning/donating it).

My question is, do you know anything about Natures Dream Mattress? I cant find anything online.

It would probably be helpful if you could provide a link to the mattress since there are probably several mattresses that are called “Nature’s Dream” that could be very different from each other.

There is more about the 3 most important parts of “value” of a mattress purchase in post #13 here which can help you make more meaningful quality/value comparisons between mattresses in terms of suitability (how well you will sleep), durability (how long you will sleep well), and the overall value of a mattress compared to your other finalists based on suitability, durability, and all the other parts of your personal value equation that are most important to you (including the price or course and the options you have available after a purchase).

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While I can’t speak to how a mattress will feel for someone else … outside of “comfort” and PPP (Posture and alignment, Pressure relief, and your Personal preferences) the most important part of the value of a mattress purchase is durability which is all about how long you will sleep well on a mattress. This is the part of your research that you can’t “feel” and assessing the durability and useful life of a mattress always depends on knowing the type and quality of the materials inside it regardless of the name of the manufacturer on the label (or how a mattress feels in a showroom or when it is relatively new) so I would always make sure that you can find out the information listed here so you can compare the materials and components to the quality/durability guidelines here to confirm that there are no lower quality materials or weak links in a mattress that would be a cause for concern relative to the durability and useful life of a mattress before making any purchase.

If you can find out the specifics of the Nature’s Dream mattress (type of materials and components, layer thicknesses, the density of any polyfoam or memory foam or the type and blend of any latex) and list them on the forum I’d certainly be happy to let you know if I can see any obvious weak links in the mattress that could compromise the durability and useful life of the mattress.

Some stats, I am 5’7’ andf 165lbs. My husband is 6’0" and 190lbs. I sleep on my sides and sometimes stomach. He primarily sleeps on his stomach. Let me know if you need anymore information from me. Thank you so much.

The first “rule” of mattress shopping is to always remember that you are the only one that can feel what you feel on a mattress and there are too many unknowns, variables, and personal preferences involved that are unique to each person to use a formula or for anyone to be able to predict or make a specific suggestion or recommendation about which mattress or combination of materials and components or which type of mattress would be the best “match” for you in terms of “comfort”, firmness, or PPP or how a mattress will “feel” to you or compare to another mattress based on specs (either yours or a mattress) or “theory at a distance” that can possibly be more accurate than your own careful testing (hopefully using the testing guidelines in step 4 of the tutorial) or your own personal sleeping experience (see mattress firmness/comfort levels in post #2 here).[/quote]

There is also more about the different ways to choose the most suitable mattress (either locally or online) that can help you assess and minimize the risks involved of making a choice that doesn’t work out as well as you as you hoped for in post #2 here.

I also want to know if there is anything similar to the natures dream, or the tempurpedic mattress I mentioned above. We really want a true foam mattress, that is supportive, comfortable and reasonably priced. I dont want to go over $2,000.

I would keep in mind that “foam” is just a generic name (like “fruit”) and there are three main types of foam materials that are all very different from each other (polyfoam, memory foam, and latex foam). Most of the Tempurpedic mattresses are memory foam mattresses that use various combinations of memory foam on top of a polyfoam support core.

There is more information in post #9 here about the different ways that one mattress can “match” or “approximate” another one. Every layer and component in a mattress (including the cover) will affect the feel and performance of every other layer and component and the mattress “as a whole” so unless you are able to find another mattress that uses exactly the same type of materials, components, cover, layer thicknesses, layer firmnesses, and overall design (which would be very unlikely) then there really isn’t a way to match one mattress to another one in terms of “comfort” and PPP based on the specifications of the mattress.

Mattress manufacturers generally try to differentiate their mattress from the mattresses made by other manufacturers and don’t normally try to “match” another mattress that is made by a different manufacturer so while you may find some local mattresses that use “similar” materials or designs and there would be many others that are in a similar general category or firmness range … they will generally have different combinations of foam layers and components.

Unless a manufacturer specifically says in their description of a mattress that one of their mattresses in the same general category is specifically designed to “match” or “approximate” another one in terms of firmness or “feel” (or they are very familiar with both mattresses and can provide reliable guidance about how they compare based on the “averages” of a larger group of people) … the only reliable way to know for certain how two mattresses would compare for you in terms of how they “feel” or in terms of firmness or PPP would be based on your own careful testing or actual sleeping experience on both of them.

There are also no “standard” definitions or consensus of opinions for firmness ratings and different manufacturers can rate their mattresses very differently than others so a mattress that one manufacturer rates as being a specific firmness could be rated very differently by another manufacturer. Different people can also have very different perceptions of firmness and softness compared to others as well and a mattress that feels firm for one person can feel like “medium” for someone else or even “soft” for someone else (or vice versa) depending on their body type, sleeping style, physiology, their frame of reference based on what they are used to, and their individual sensitivity and perceptions. There are also different types of firmness and softness that different people may be sensitive to that can affect how they “rate” a mattress as well (see post #15 here) so different people can also have very different opinions on how two mattresses compare in terms of firmness and some people may rate one mattress as being firmer than another and someone else may rate them the other way around. This is all relative and very subjective and is as much an art as a science.

While your own careful testing or personal experience is the most reliable way to know whether any mattress is a good “match” for you in terms of comfort and PPP or how closely it “matches” another mattress … when you can’t test a mattress in person then the most reliable source of guidance is always a more detailed phone conversation with a knowledgeable and experienced retailer or manufacturer that has your best interests at heart and who can help “talk you through” the specifics of their mattresses and the properties and “feel” of the materials they are using (fast or slow response, resilience, firmness etc) and the options they have available that may be the best “match” for you based on the information you provide them, any local testing you have done or mattresses you have slept on and liked or other mattresses you are considering that they are familiar with, and the “averages” of other customers that are similar to you. They will know more about “matching” their specific mattress designs and firmness levels to different body types, sleeping positions, and preferences (or to other mattresses that they are familiar with) than anyone else.

Having said all that … outside of any local options that may be available to you that you can test in person to see how closely it “matches” the contour rhapsody luxe … the mattress shopping tutorial includes a link to a list of the better online memory foam options I’m aware of (in the optional online step) and several of them make mattresses that are specifically designed to approximate some of the Tempurpedic mattresses as well (including many of the Tempurpedic mattresses) which may also be well worth talking to or considering.

If you let me know your city or zip code I’d also be happy to let you know about any of the better options or possibilities I’m aware of in your area as well.


If you are looking for more details, kindly visit reno mattress material.