Glass bead road surface marking

20 May.,2024


Glass bead road surface marking

If you want to learn more, please visit our website reflective glass beads for traffic paint.

Incident light is refracted within glass beads on road surfaces and reflected into the driver's field of view.

Glass beads composed of soda lime glass are essential for providing retroreflectivity in many kinds of road surface markings.[1] Retroreflectivity occurs when incident light from vehicles is refracted within glass beads that are imbedded in road surface markings and then reflected back into the driver's field of view.[2] In North America, approximately 227 million kilograms of glass beads are used for road surface markings annually.[3] Roughly 520 kilograms of glass beads are used per mile during remarking of a five lane highway system,[4] and road remarking can occur every two to five years.[4] In the United States, the massive demand for glass beads has led to importing from countries using outdated manufacturing regulations and techniques. These techniques include the use of heavy metals such as arsenic, antimony, and lead during the manufacturing process as decolorizes and fining agents. It has been found that the heavy metals become incorporated into the bead's glass matrix and may leach under environmental conditions that roads experience.[5]

Composition and manufacturing




Structure of glass bead matrix and interactions with metal ions.

The synthesis of these beads begins when calcium carbonate is heated to anywhere from 800 to &#; {\displaystyle ^{\circ }} C. This heating causes a decomposition reaction which forms solid calcium oxide and releases carbon dioxide gas.

CaCO 3 &#; 800 &#; C CaO ( s ) + CO 2 ( g ) {\displaystyle {\ce {CaCO3 ->[{800-C}]{CaO(s)}+ CO2(g)}}}

Similarly, sodium carbonate decomposes to sodium oxide and releases carbon dioxide gas.

Na 2 CO 3 &#; [ 800 &#; C ] Na 2 O ( s ) + CO 2 ( g ) {\displaystyle {\ce {Na2CO3 -> [{800-C}] {Na2O(s)}+ CO2(g)}}}

Sodium oxide is then reacted with silica to produce sodium silicate liquid glass.

Na 2 O ( s ) + SiO 2 ( s ) &#; Na 2 SiO 3 ( l ) {\displaystyle {\ce {{Na2O(s)}+SiO2(s) -> Na2SiO3(l)}}}

Lastly, to complete the general structure of the soda-lime glass, calcium oxide is dissolved in solution with sodium silicate glass, which ultimately reduces the softening temperature of the glass.[6] Additional metals and ions are added to this melted glass to improve its properties, and the compound is then sprayed and formed into beads using either the direct or indirect method.

Na 2 SiO 3 ( l ) + CaO ( s ) &#; Na 2 O &#; CaO &#; SiO 2 {\displaystyle {\ce {{Na2SiO3(l)}+ CaO(s) -> Na2O*CaO*SiO2}}}


Overall, the percent composition of major compounds found in the final glass bead product is shown below.[3]

Compound % Composition

SiO 2 {\displaystyle {\ce {SiO2}}}


Na 2 O {\displaystyle {\ce {Na2O}}}


MgO {\displaystyle {\ce {MgO}}}


CaO {\displaystyle {\ce {CaO}}}


Al 2 O {\displaystyle {\ce {Al2O}}}


In addition to these primary components of soda-lime glass, manufacturers include heavy metals arsenic, antimony, and lead to refine and improve the properties of the glass bead. Lead in the form of PbO is added to increase the durability of the glass to withstand harsh road conditions.[8] Arsenic and antimony are used as fining agents that facilitate the removal of gas bubbles from the molten mixture.[9] Carbon dioxide produced by the decomposition of calcium carbonate and sodium carbonate is removed to obtain the required retroreflective properties of the glass. In addition, both arsenic and antimony are used as decolorizers. Having a colorless glass is crucial to maximizing retroreflectivity. Arsenic in its inorganic form assists in the decolorization of the glass by controlling iron's oxidation state.[3] Arsenic oxidizes ferrous oxide to its less colorful counterpart, ferric oxide.

As 2 O 5 + 4 Fe 3 O 4 &#; As 2 O 3 + 6 Fe 2 O 3 {\displaystyle {\ce {{As2O5}+4Fe3O4->{As2O3}+ 6Fe2O3}}}


Antimony in the form of Sb2O5 performs a similar reaction as arsenic, oxidizing ferrous oxide to ferric oxide.

Sb 2 O 5 + 4 Fe 3 O 4 &#; Sb 2 O 3 + 6 Fe 2 O 3 {\displaystyle {\ce {{Sb2O5}+ 4Fe3O4 -> {Sb2O3}+6Fe2O3}}}


While these three heavy metals can typically be found in both domestic and imported glass beads, they vary in concentration. According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act limits the levels of heavy metal content in accordance with their toxicity.[11] Due to increasing demands for marked roads, however, the majority of glass beads used in the U.S. are imported from countries with little to no regulation on heavy metal content. For example, beads obtained from North America contain approximately 15 mg of arsenic per kg of beads, while some from China have concentrations of up to  mg/kg.[3] Imported bead concentrations of each of these metals are listed in the table below.

Metal/Metalloid Concentration (mg/kg)

As {\displaystyle {\ce {As}}}


Pb {\displaystyle {\ce {Pb}}}


Sb {\displaystyle {\ce {Sb}}}


Degradation of glass beads




Environmental conditions can cause degradation of glass beads, leading to release of incorporated heavy metals into the environment.[3] While abrasion may dislodge these beads from the road marking itself, the reaction of these beads with an aqueous environment vastly accelerate their decomposition and heavy metal release.

There are three reactions involved in the corrosion of silicon dioxide. The first is an ion exchange reaction, in which mobile ions of a solution are exchanged for those of similar charge on the solid. Particularly, this reaction is involving cation exchange material, where a negatively charged structural backbone allows the replacement of positively charged cations.[12] This reaction involved in the degradation of soda lime beads shows various ions that are interaction with the silicon-oxygen network (e.g. Na + {\displaystyle {\ce {Na+}}} , Ca 2 + {\displaystyle {\ce {Ca^2+}}} , K + {\displaystyle {\ce {K+}}} , Mg 2 + {\displaystyle {\ce {Mg^2+}}} ) being replaced with a hydrogen ion.

Si &#; O &#; Na + + ( H + + OH &#; ) &#; Si &#; OH + Na + + OH &#; {\displaystyle {\ce {{{Si-O^{-}}Na+}+({H^{+}}+OH^{-})->{Si-OH}+{Na+}+OH-}}}

In addition to this reaction, a hydroxyl ion can attack the Si &#; O {\displaystyle {\ce {Si-O}}} bond causing dissolution of the SiO 2 {\displaystyle {\ce {SiO2}}} matrix and creating silanol and non-bridging oxygen groups.

Si &#; O &#; Si + OH &#; &#; Si &#; OH + O &#; &#; Si {\displaystyle {\ce {{Si-O-Si}+{OH^{-}}->{Si-OH}+{^{-}O-Si}}}}

As dissolution occurs, the non-bridging oxygen groups can abstract hydrogen ions from solution.

Si &#; O &#; + ( H + + OH &#; ) &#; Si &#; OH + OH &#; {\displaystyle {\ce {{Si-O^{-}}+({H^{+}}+OH^{-})->{Si-OH}+{OH^{-}}}}}

An increase in the concentration of hydroxyl ions comes with increased alkalinity of the aqueous solution. This increase in pH has shown, in varying column leaching studies, to increase the reduction potential and DOC (dissolved organic carbon) concentration of the solution. This ultimately leads to an increase in mobility of many metals including arsenic, copper, and nickel.

The mobility of these heavy metals are therefore affected by the presence of alkali oxides. The Na + {\displaystyle {\ce {Na+}}} , Ca 2 + {\displaystyle {\ce {Ca^2+}}} , Mg 2 + {\displaystyle {\ce {Mg^2+}}} , and K + {\displaystyle {\ce {K+}}} ions can associate with the tetrahedral networks of silicon and oxygen, forming a trigonal antiprism network. In trigonal antiprism formation, the ions coordinate with three oxygen atoms at a distance of 2.3 angstroms and then another three oxygen atoms at a nonbonding distance of 3 angstroms. As the concentration of alkali oxides increases in metal beads, the probability of chemical attack increases due to the more open and accessible glass chemical network and structure.[3]

Heavy metal speciation and leaching




During both routine road marking removal and harsh environmental conditions, these glass beads can degrade and leach incorporated heavy metals. Although the exact mechanism of heavy metal incorporation into the glass beads is unknown, current literature hypothesizes that the heavy metals are associated with alkali and alkali earth metals on the surface of glass beads. Environmental conditions relevant to road surfaces such as pH, different salts, and ionic strength strongly influence the leaching process. In particular, pH determines the speciation of the heavy metal which is critical for solubility in the aqueous phase. The following graphs show the speciation of heavy metals as a function of pH.[3]

Heavy metal speciation by pH

Few states have regulations on leached concentrations of heavy metals. For example, New Jersey limits arsenic to 3 μg/L, lead to 65 μg/L, and antimony to 78 μg/L. In studies that subjected batches of glass beads to environmental conditions in a lab setting, 96% of the leached concentrations of arsenic exceeded 3 μg/L, 75% of leached lead exceeded 65 μg/L, and 27% of the leached concentrations of antimony exceeded the criterion of 78 μg/L.[13] The following graphs show the total concentrations of heavy metals leached from glass beads after 160 days as a function of pH, salt type, and ionic strength.[3]

Leached concentration after 10 days wrt environmental factor; dotted line indicates New Jersey limits.

Interaction with roadside soil




Once the arsenic is mobilized in aqueous form, humic substances interact with arsenic. It has been shown that particularly under acidic environments, humic acids contribute immensely to the retention of arsenic in the soil matrix.[14] While an exact mechanism for this has not been confirmed, it has been hypothesized that humic acids are acting as anion exchange moieties, potentially through amine interaction within the humic material with arsenic. This is only likely if the amine is quaternary, thus justifying the low pH claim, as similar resins are used to separate As(III) and As(V). Another possible mechanism of arsenic's interaction with humic substances is through metal complexes. Potentially, arsenic adsorption could occur as a humic-acid-metal-As bridging ligand, or possibly adsorbed to the clay that is bound to the humic acid itself as well.[15]

Lead, on the other hand, has been shown to increase binding to humic substances with increasing pH and decreasing ionic strength. Research has indicated that monodentate lead binds at a relatively high measure to carboxylic type groups present in humic materials. There is also evidence of the bidentate form of lead binding to phenolic-type groups in the ortho position in humic material when concentrations of lead are high, as is the case for soils nearby marked roads.[16]

In the case of antinomy, qualitative studies on its association with humic substances is scarce and rarely conclusive. It has been shown in many cases, however, that pH has little indication on these interactions. One study indicated that organic ligands that possess carboxylic groups or hydroxyl groups create stable bidentate chelates in its speciation as As(III) and As(V). Another indicated that As(III) when bound to humic material is easily oxidized, and can be released back into aqueous solution as (SbOH)6-, thus showing that As(V) is more commonly bound to humic material. The details of how this binding occurs mechanistically remains relatively unresolved, but knowledge of the primary form of its binding is important to furthering this research.[17]

Alternative to heavy metal usage




Retroreflectivity is essential to safe driving conditions. While metals are necessary to achieve these goals, there are other, non-toxic metals that can achieve the same results. These may include zirconium, tungsten, titanium, and barium.[18] The amount of these metals that could be incorporated into the glass varies based on its country of origins and the regulations placed on those countries, but further research on alternatives to heavy metal usage in road markings would assist in reducing heavy metal leachate near roadside soils.

See also








Using Glass Bead Composite Paints for Reflective Roads

Road markings play an important role in road safety and optimizing the use of road space. They help provide information that cannot be easily conveyed using mounted signs.1 Moreover, signage applied directly to the road surface offers a form of continuous messaging which can be observed when a verge-mounted sign is concealed.

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The effectiveness of road markings in improving the safety of road users relies on the clear visibility of markings. This becomes particularly vital when there is low light, such as during fog, rain, or night time. As the visibility of road markings is a critical factor in ensuring traffic safety, rigorous performance requirements have been introduced to guarantee the efficacy of road markings, which have to be checked and maintained regularly. European Reflectivity standards (European Standard EN ) specify the minimum levels of daytime and night-time visibility and also color and skid resistance.3

Road markings are available in a variety of formats, including spray, thermoplastic, screed, ribline, and extrusion, but all have to fulfill stringent visibility requirements.

Improving the Visibility of Road Markings

Recent collaborative European research has established that the minimum distance at which road markings should be visible to drivers must be equivalent to two seconds of travel time5. Several factors decide the distance at which a road marking is visible.4,5 Most of them are related to the driver, for example, the driver&#;s vision, headlight strength, car cleanliness, or are unavoidable, for example, rain or glare from oncoming vehicles. However, the composition of the road marking can be designed to optimize its visibility in a variety of conditions. For instance, the bright color of road markings is maintained by using titanium dioxide pigment, and the accumulation of dirt on markings can be prevented by adding crystallized titanium dioxide. Such accumulation of dirt on markings is likely to reduce their visibility.

The majority of the light emitted by the headlights, which hit the surface of the road, is either reflected forwards or absorbed by the road surface itself with just a fraction of the light reflected back towards the driver's eyes. Retroreflection is referred to as the reflecting of light back in the direction of the light source.5,6 As the coefficient of retroreflected luminance increases, the contrast between the road surface and the road marking also increases. When the light from the headlights which a road marking reflects back to the driver is more, the visibility of the road marking will also be more, particularly in bad weather and at night.

Additives such as titanium dioxide and others do not create retroreflection to improve the luminescence of road markings. On the contrary, retroreflection is increased by the addition of glass beads, thereby enhancing the night-time visibility of road markings. After the headlight beam enters the glass bead, it hits the pigmented road marking and is reflected back towards the driver of the car. As a result, the road marking appears to light up and hence the visibility of the road marking is considerably increased. Road markings, which include high-performance glass beads, are five times brighter than road markings that do not.

The level of retroreflection attained by glass beads is decided by the quality of the glass and the size of the beads. The 30 meter geometry is used to determine the level of retroreflectivity. This is the amount of reflected luminescence at a driver height of 1.2 m, an illumination distance of 30 m, and a headlamp height of 0.65 m.7 It is recommended to have a minimum retroreflectivity of 120 mcd/m2/ lux on a dry surface.

Glass Beads - Road Marking Enhancement

Usually,  the glass beads used in road markings have a refractive index ranging between 1.5 and 1.9. They are developed in a wide range of sizes from 100 to microns in diameter and with different degrees of roundness. During production, glass beads can be combined into the road marking material (intermix beads); can be added when the road marking is applied (injection beads); or can be applied to the surface of newly applied road markings before they have set (drop-on beads).

It is important that the beads are embedded by at least 50% of their diameter to make sure that they do not become displaced. However, the level of retroreflectivity is reduced upon increasing the degree of bead embedment; therefore it is necessary to achieve an effective balance. It is expected that some of the beads will become covered with the marking material but this will soon be removed by passing traffic.

In addition, the quality of the retroreflection produced by the glass beads relies on the roundness and size of the beads, the viscosity of the road marking material, and the amount of beads added to the road marking. The larger beads with smoother, more round surfaces enable the highest retroreflective performance. An effective distribution level of glass beads is 400&#;600 grams per square meter of road marking.

Mo-Sci Corporation, a global leader in high-quality precision glass technology, manufactures glass spheres for a variety of applications.8 Mo-Sci provides high-quality glass, which can be tailored to meet the specific requirements of projects. The company manufactures glass beads that are suitable for improving the visibility of road markings to tight specifications that ensure optimum reflectivity.


Road markings are an indispensable safety feature. Glass beads considerably increase the reflectivity of paints on the road, which in turn, considerably enhances their visibility and thus improves the safety of both drivers and pedestrians.

The only road marking additive that causes retroreflection is glass beads, which reflect more of the headlight beam back to the driver. As a result, glass beads make road markings to appear five times brighter at night time when compared to road markings without glass beads.

References & Further Reading

  1. Department of transport UK . Traffic signs manual Chapter 5 Road markings. Available at
  2. Charlton SG, et al. Using road markings as a continuous cue for speed choice. Accid Anal Prev. ;117:288&#;297. doi: 10./j.aap..04.029. Epub May 9.
  3. Highways Markings. A Guide to IS EN European Standard for Road Markings. Available at
  4. Owens Da, et al. Effects of age and illumination on night driving: a road test. Hum Factors ;49(6):&#;.
  5. The National Cooperative Highway Research Program. Chapter 3. Available at
  6. Stoudt MD, Vedam K. Retroreflection from spherical glass beads in highway pavement markings. 1: Specular reflection. Applied Optics ;17:&#;.
  7. Pike AM, et al. Evaluation of Retroreflectivity Measurement Techniques for Profiled and Rumble Stripe Pavement Markings. Transportation Research Record . Paper 11-.
  8. Mo-Sci Corporation. Company website available at

This information has been sourced, reviewed and adapted from materials provided by Mo-Sci Corp.

For more information on this source, please visit Mo-Sci Corp.

For more information, please visit reflective road sign paint.