6 Things I Wish I Knew Before Buying a 3-Wheel Electric Bike

07 Oct.,2024


6 Things I Wish I Knew Before Buying a 3-Wheel Electric Bike

Finding the right three-wheel electric bike takes a little research. However, here are some things you should consider as you shop.

Link to Seven Running

1. Two-wheel E-Bike vs.Three-Wheel E-Trike

It is easy to mentally lump these two designs into one category because they are both electric. The fact is the different frame styles mean they are not the same. A three-wheel bike will feel very different as your ride. Everything from mounting and dismounting to turning will feel different for you.

Turns are an excellent example. If you are riding a two-wheel bike, you simply adjust the handlebars and ride through the turn. A three-wheeler will feel different during that turn because it has a unique center of gravity. You need momentum to turn, like a two-wheel bike, but it&#;s different. The momentum of a classic two-wheeler comes from speed. On an e-trike, the momentum is you leaning into the turn.

You also have to get adjusted to the weight of the three-wheel bike, which is why it is smart to shop for an electric model. The trike will accelerate slower because you are pushing more weight. A three wheel electric bike will weigh more than a two wheel electric bike. The weight can make going downhill tricky if you fail to manage the forward momentum. Just ensure you use the brakes properly when coasting downhills. Don't wait until the last minute to engage the brakes when going downhill on a 3 wheel ebike, keep them slightly engaged the whole way down the hill to ensure a safe descent.

The point is there will be a learning curve when riding an electric three-wheel bike. This is true in general for any ebike, but maybe more so if you are used to a two-wheeler. If you get on a 3 wheel bike for the first and it feels uncomfortable or confusing, don't worry, that is not uncommon. Take your time and practice in an open space like a parking lot. Start slow and as you get comfortable on 3 wheels increase your speed. A few hours of riding and you'll have the hang out if.

2. Battery Size

It is normal to give the size of the motor more attention than the battery. The engine controls how fast you can go in each mode. The battery is critical because it determines how far you can go on a single charge.

Battery power is typically measured in watt-hours or Wh. The larger the Wh number, the longer the bike will go between charges. You might want a larger battery to ride long distances or plan to commute with your new e-trike. If you are going to ride recreationally, then a smaller one is likely okay.

Also, consider the type of battery. Is it removable or integrated? A removable battery is the best option, especially for e-trikes that are heavier than a two-wheeler. If the battery is integrated, you must park the bike near a recharging station, like in the garage. If it is removable, you can store the e-trike and take the battery inside to charge it.

A removable battery also gives you some security. Most of these batteries are locked into the frame. You need a key to remove them, but that doesn&#;t mean someone determined to steal yours won&#;t figure out a way. The battery size you need will depend on the type of riding you plan to do on your electric tricycle. Since the size of the battery is going to have a big impact on the price of the etrike you buy, it's important to match the size of the battery with your riding habits. If you buy an unnecessarily big battery then you'll be over paying for your 3 wheel ebike.

If you plan to mostly ride on flat ground around a community or neighborhood a 10.4ah battery will be just fine. The range on this size battery will be up to 50miles depending on how you use the pedal assist and throttle. Also, the amount of hills on your route will have a big impact on the range you get from your ebike battery. If you are planning to carry very heavy loads in your baskets or even passengers on your electric tricycle then you'll want a larger lithium ion battery. If you plan to ride on some hills and carry about 15lbs of cargo on average then a battery of at least 14ah up to 18ah will be best. When riding hills and carrying extra cargo you'll drain the battery quicker on your trike. Increasing the battery size will ensure you'll still get 50 miles of range your rides.

If you are interested in a fat tire etrike or an electric rickshaw bike that can carry passengers, you'll want to get one of the biggest etrike batteries possible. A battery of at least 21ah will be the best option for this type of three wheel electric bike riding. Fat tires on a tricycle are going to drain the battery faster than thinner tires. They have a lot of rubber that is contacting the road thus meaning more work the motor has to do to keep the tricycle rolling. This will cause the battery to drain quicker and the reason why a larger battery is necessary. Ebike rickshaws that can take passengers will need the largest battery. Adding extra passengers just means more juice the motor will need for power. Generally as you increase the size of the battery on your tricycle the price will increase also. If you want to minimize the price you pay for your e tricycle, buy one with a battery on the smaller size. Start riding and get familiar with how much you drain your battery on typical rides. If you ultimately decide you need more range, you can always buy a second battery to take with you on rides.

3. Motor Efficiency

You also want to consider the motor size, especially if you plan on carrying cargo around, like grandchildren or pets. A bigger motor is a better choice for heavy loads.

The battery and motor work together, too. So, it&#;s not a good idea to match a large motor with a small battery. The larger the motor, the more energy it uses and the faster it will drain the battery. If you anticipate using the motor a lot, look for an engine that matches battery size. Some electric bikes accommodate a backup batter, as well. Look at that option if you think you&#;ll go through battery power quickly. For the average rider, that won&#;t be necessary, though.

You might want to consider where the motor is located, too. The location of the motor determines how it works. A mid-drive motor turns the crank on the pedals instead of one of the wheels. That makes it more powerful.

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A front hub motor pulls the e-trike forward by turning the front wheel. A rear hub motor pushes the frame forward by powering the chain and gears in the back. For some, a rear hub motor feels more natural. The front hub can slip, especially if carrying a lot of weight.

The most important piece of motor advice is to try and match the motor size with the type of terrain you'll be riding on, the weight and load, and the amount of hills on the routes. There are three most commonly used motor sizes on e trikes, 250w, 500w, and 750w. It's possible to have each of the motor sizes as either a front, mid, or rear mounted motor. 250w electric tricycle motors are good for mostly flat ground riding with some hills. This size motor isn't going to give you an aggressive amount of power but it will be enough power to make rides a lot easier. This size motor is great if you don't want to be startled or scared by the amount of acceleration but you would definitely benefit from have assistance when pedaling. The 250w is also enough to use just throttle and give your legs a break on rides. With throttle only on this size e tricycle you'll be able to achieve top speeds of approximately 15mph. This size motor is a common choice of senior riders because it's just enough power to assist in riding but not too much to compromise the safety of the tricycle. Many seniors looking for a 3 wheel bike still want to get some exercise and prefer to pedal. With a little big of pedal assist they can keep their legs moving while getting assistance from the 250w motor at needed points of the ride. A 250 watt e three wheeler bike is a safe option for beginning trike riders or those that want to cruise.

Stepping up from the 250w motor is a 500w motor. This is a very common size of motor on an electric three wheeler bike. This size motor can handle larger hills and and heavier loads. If you are a rider over 200lbs and plan to ride medium size hills frequently, a 500w motor may be your best choice. This size ebike motor is going to give you more torque, which will be better for climbing hills and carry heavier loads. This size motor will be great if you plan to ride hilly terrain and anticipate needing assistance up the hills. If you are also someone that likes to go fast on your trike, than this is a good option. 500 watt e tricycles will accelerate fast to a top speed of either 16mph or 20mph. Most tricycles are limited in their top speed for safety reasons. Using a the throttle on a 500 watt can be a lot of fun, with either the twist of the wrist or push of the thumb the throttle on a 500 watt can have you zipping around with no effort. When using the throttle with this motor size the three wheel bike will really take off, in a good way, and you'll just enjoy the ride. The benefit of a motor this size is even if you don't want to use all of the power, you can always keep the assist level in one of two. The power is there if you need it but it's ok to stay in the lower power levels.

A 750 watt motor is the most powerful etrike motor that is still street legal in the US. Any motor size on an ebike above 750 is not allowed to be ridden on public streets or bike paths. This size electric tricycle motor is best for riders over 200lbs and also riders that ride routes with frequent hills. This size motor will come with the highest price tag generally but it will also come with the most power. A 750 watt motor will feel powerful and getting up hills will be easy. Using just the throttle will be enough to propel riders up large hills. Top speeds of 20mph and more are achievable with this size three wheel ebike. If you are looking to purchase an etrike that can carry heavy loads or multiple passengers you will need this size motor. If you just want the extra power to go fast, that is an option too. But keep in mind the faster you go and the more hills you ride the quicker the battery dies. This why electric trikes with a 750 watt motor need a big battery, thus driving the price up.

4. Modes

Some models of electric three-wheel bikes offer pedal-assist modes only. They may have several pedal-assist levels, but the trike will not run on motor power only. Think carefully about whether this makes sense for you.

It is a judgment call, but the more you can get from your e-trike, the better. Even if you don&#;t think you would use the throttle-only mode, you might wish you had it. There is no going back if you only buy a model with pedal assist.

The other consideration is how many modes you need. The different levels of pedal assist give you options for the support you want. If you are just getting back into exercise and bike riding, you might start with the higher pedal-assist mode. Then, as you get stronger, you can go for lower methods and use the motor when needed.

That doesn&#;t mean you need seven or eight pedal-assist modes, though. Modes are a little like speeds on a traditional bike. You might use two or three and never touch the rest. With that said it will be nice to have a high level of pedal assist for hills, even if you only use it as you encounter hilly terrain.

Commonly there are five levels of pedal assist on ebikes but three levels is also common. Level one provides the least amount of power while you pedal and level five provides the most amount of power. With three levels of assist the same idea holds true, level one provides the least amount of assistance and three provides the most. The levels of pedal assist will sometimes also dictate how much power the throttle provides but not always. Often times the throttle operates independently of the pedal assist levels, meaning the throttle will function like a gas pedal, the harder you press it the more power you'll get.

Pedaling an electric tricycle without electric assist may be challenging depending on the terrain. Riding up hill on a 3 wheel ebike without any assist may provide impossible for some. Flat ground it will be doable but it may become tiresome on your legs over time.

Most riders will want to leave their tricycle in pedal assist level one or two throughout their ride. These pedal assist modes provide just enough power to make the ride enjoyable. You'll notice the assistance but you will still need to pedal yourself. It will make the ride just easy enough so it's enjoyable and fun. If you decide you want to start and go fast on some open straight aways you'll want to press your assist level up to four or above. At these modes, you are getting max assistance from the motor and you'll definitely feel it. With this amount of assistance the motor is doing most of the work and you won't feel much strain on your legs at all. An important thing to remember is you'll drain the battery quicker when you are in modes four and five. It's simple, the motor is providing more power, thus it needs more energy from the battery, which will cause the battery to die quicker. This is why it's important to use your levels of assist wisely. Doing your entire ride in level five will drain the battery very quickly and may not leave juice for the ride home.

Riding up hill on a three wheel electric bike will be no ride in the park, this is why you want to save level five for this. Depending on the size of the hills it may be necessary to be in at least level four or five to traverse the hill. Having three wheels on the pavement is going to make climbing hills challenging, that's why the pedal assist is so helpful. Keep in mind riding up a big hill in pedal assist five is going to drain the battery very quickly. It's important to use your assist strategically to ensure you'll have the appropriate amount of battery life for all aspects of your ride.

As you get used to riding your electric tricycle for adults, you'll start to figure out how to affectively use your different pedal assist modes on rides. You will also start to figure out the range you will get on your trike based on the routes you ride. After a few rides you'll be a pro and you'll fully understand what pedal assist mode you need for what parts of your ride.

A Detailed Analysis of Adult Electric Tricycles

Choosing an electric tricycle can be an exhilarating experience, especially with top-notch options like the Perraro Polar 750W and Perraro Panda 750W. Both trikes bring to the table a blend of power and functionality with a peak power of W and impressive torque of 90Nm, ensuring that your ride is not just smooth, but also robust. Despite sharing these powerful specifications, the two models present unique features that may sway your decision. Let&#;s delve into their distinct characteristics to determine which trike is your perfect fit. Braking System: Hydraulic vs. Mechanical Safety is paramount, and braking systems play a crucial role. The Perraro Polar Trike is outfitted with a hydraulic brake system with dual rotors at the back. This advanced setup provides a responsive and powerful braking experience, ensuring you can stop quickly and safely when needed. While we appreciate the Tektro mechanical brakes of the Perraro Panda for their reliability, the Polar's hydraulic brakes are a standout for performance-oriented riders. Size and Rider Fit: Find Your Match The right fit is essential for comfort and control. The Polar accommodates riders from 5'1" to 6'4", giving it a slightly broader range than the Panda, which is designed for riders from 4'11" to 6'2". This makes the Polar a suitable option for those who are taller or prefer a more spacious riding setup. Battery Location: Accessibility & Aesthetics The battery's placement is crucial in influencing both the functionality and aesthetics of an electric trike. For the Panda model, the battery is strategically located under the rear cargo basket. This design choice not only allows for straightforward access during charging and maintenance but also contributes to a lower center of gravity, enhancing the trike's stability and handling. Importantly, both battery options for the Panda&#;whether you choose the standard 15.6Ah or the extended 21Ah&#;are removable. This offers the flexibility to charge the battery while it's installed on the trike or to remove it for charging indoors, which can be particularly convenient for those without easy access to an outdoor charging point. Furthermore, it's worth noting that both battery options are UL certified, ensuring they meet stringent safety and quality standards. This certification provides peace of mind regarding the safety, reliability, and performance of the batteries, adding an extra layer of confidence for riders in their electric trike experience. Whether you're charging your trike's battery on the vehicle or indoors, you can trust in the safety and efficiency of the process. Battery Capacity: Power for Your Journey When it comes to range, the Panda electric trike offers versatility with two battery options to cater to different range requirements. You can choose between a standard 15.6Ah battery and an extended 21Ah battery, both operating at 48V. The 15.6Ah battery option provides a commendable range, offering up to 65 miles per charge, making it suitable for longer commutes or leisurely rides. For those seeking even greater distances, the 21Ah battery extends the Panda's capability up to 90 miles on a single charge when using PAS1 (Pedal Assist Level 1), ensuring even the most adventurous riders can reach their destinations. Similarly, the Polar model, equipped with a 15Ah battery, delivers impressive performance and is well-suited for most daily commuting and recreational needs, offering a range of up to 60 miles per charge. It's important to note that actual range can vary based on several factors, including road conditions, the rider's weight, tire inflation pressure, and weather conditions. These variables can influence the efficiency and consumption of the battery, so it's wise to consider them when planning your trips. This flexibility in battery options allows riders to tailor their electric trike experience to their specific needs, whether it's for short daily commutes or longer exploratory rides. Common Ground: Foldability and Features The Polar and Panda are designed conveniently, featuring foldable step-thru frames for easy mounting and storage. They come equipped with rear axle differentials, parking brakes, and turn signals, indicating a strong emphasis on rider convenience and safety. Conclusion: Your Ride, Tailored for You Whether you opt for the advanced braking and larger frame of the Polar or the versatile battery options and practical design of the Panda, you're choosing a quality trike that delivers performance, comfort, and convenience. For a detailed comparison and to see these trikes side by side, visit our comprehensive comparison page. Your ideal electric trike awaits!

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